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I let my dance partner lead me to the dance floor. The colored lights panning over the dancers makes me dizzy, but I take a cleansing breath and forge on. By the time we get onto the floor, I can’t hear anything. The music is too loud and the people around us are all yelling in order to hear each other. But luckily my partner isn’t in the mood for talking.

It takes him exactly two seconds to get pressed up against me while slithering around the floor. I can’t tell if he’s trying to dance or if he’s just trying to cop a feel. Every time I try to back off a step, he’s right back on me.

“My name’s Joe.”

“I’m Mandy!”

“You’re pretty,” he screams into my ear. “Maybe we can get something to eat after this.”

I shake my head. “No, thanks,” I yell back. His smile doesn’t fade though, so I’m not sure if he didn’t hear me or if he’s just not one to give up after the first try.

The beat of the music picks up, and now he’s circling me. Trying to keep up with him makes my head spin more and my stomach is going along for the ride.

“I need to stop,” I say, but it’s too loud and he doesn’t hear me. As I take a step away, trying to get off the dance floor, he grabs my arm, pulling me back to him.

“I got you. You okay?” he yells.

“She’s fine, but you’re not going to be if you don’t let her go.” Maxim’s voice overpowers the music and cuts right through my spinning brain.

Joe’s hands fall away, and he looks at me for rescue.

“We’re dancing,” I yell up at his face—his neatly shaven, jaw tense, handsome-as-fuck face. Shouldn’t he be uglier? I want him to be uglier.

“Not anymore,” he says and gives one more glare at Joe.

“You said you weren’t taken,” Joe accuses me. I don’t think this is the first time someone’s stepped on his toes.

“I’m not.”

“She is,” Maxim says at the exact same time as me.

I growl and stomp my foot. “I am not. You stayed away. You’re gone.” I point my finger up at Maxim, giving him my full attention. He has to turn his head slightly to hear me, but he nods, telling me he heard every word.

“You wanted to go. I let you. That’s true.” He grabs hold of my hand and shifts his positioning to stand in front of me and between Joe and myself. “But that’s done with. I’m here now, and I’m not going anywhere. Are you going to walk off the dance floor with me like a good girl?” He has to raise his voice so I can hear him over the music, which means a few other people heard him, too. Heads turn, but he doesn’t care. Of course he doesn’t. He’s Maxim, and he’ll just do what he wants, take what he wants, and damn the consequences.

“No. I’m not!” I fold my arms over my chest, planting my feet firmly on the dance floor.

A smile creeps across his lips, like he’s never been so happy to be rejected in his life.

In one fluid motion, he dips at the waist, and I’m hauled up over his shoulder. My stomach lurches as I land on his shoulder.

“Hey! Hey!” Joe tries to help, but he’s swallowed up by the crowd.

“Oh, good, you found her.” Anya’s voice comes from behind me.

“Anya! Did you do this?” I try to twist around to confront her, but Maxim’s enormous hand lands on my upturned ass.

“Quiet,” he orders me. “I’m taking you home. No more talking, no more dancing with strange men, and no more attitude.”

“You’re so arrogant! And bossy!” I kick out my leg, which earns me another smack to my ass.

“Maxim, go out the back.” Another voice comes into earshot, but I have no idea who it is. “I’ll take Anya home.”

“Arman? Is that you?” I try to twist, but all my moving is making my stomach more upset. “Are you still mad about the gun?”

“Gun? What gun?” Anya asks.

“I’m taking her,” Maxim announces then stalks off with me dangling over his shoulder. I swing my fists, hitting him in the back, his ass, even try to get to his head, but my core just won’t allow that sort of movement.
