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The sharp edgeof a knife pressing against my neck wakes me. It only takes a moment to realize what’s happening and who it is before I react.

Slowly, I open my eyes and stare up at the set of frantic hazel eyes sweeping over my face. She’s straddling me; her knees flank my sides. The lipstick that was already smeared last night is smeared even more after a night’s sleep. Her lips part as her breathing kicks up. I’m awake now, a bigger threat to her than a moment ago.

“Good morning.” Talking makes my throat work enough that the knife presses a bit harder against my skin.

“What did you do?” The question comes out as raw anger mixed with fear.

“Put the knife away,moy malen’kiy voin.”

She leans forward, digging the edge into me a bit more. “What did you do to me?” she demands.

“I put you to bed.” I slowly raise my hands to my thighs. The edge of her ass cheek brushes against my thumb.

“You’re in my bed.” She sets her jaw.

“I am. I wanted to be sure you were all right, so I stayed.” Her roommate could have kept an eye on her, but that wasn’t good enough for me. I wanted to keep my eye on her myself.

“Where’s my underwear?” She swallows after she asks the question.

I move my hand; she’s still wearing the slip of a dress from last night. As my thumb touches her bare ass, I confirm she’s not wearing any panties.

“Are you sure you were wearing them last night?” If she hadn’t been so deep in her cups, I would have known one way or another. But I don’t touch women when they’re drunk or passed out. And she was both.

Her cheeks flush. “You and I… we didn’t? You didn’t…” She swallows again.

“I prefer my women sober and awake when I take them,” I assure her. No matter how much I wanted her, I would not take advantage of her weakened state. I slide my hand up further, cupping her bare ass cheek. “Now take that knife away from my neck before I’m forced to retaliate.”

Her ass clenches beneath my hand.

“You swear you didn’t…” She looks away for a moment, but it’s just long enough for me to make my move. Easily, I snatch the knife away from her, and have her turned over on the mattress. I straddle her hips and pin her hands over her head. I spy her panties; they’re caught up in the blanket I draped over her last night.

“Are these what you’re looking for?” I wrangle the panties free with one hand and hold them to her face. Her cheeks burn red.

“Yes.” She struggles against me. “Let me up.”

“What do you say,moy malen’kiy voin?” I ask, softening my voice.

“I’m sorry. Let me up.” Doubling down on her squirms, she tries to knock me off of her. I’m not budging. Her apology is lacking.

“Sorry for what?” I drop her panties to the floor and press both of my hands into her wrists, keeping her snug against the bed. “Be specific.”

“You were in my bed.” She tries to push up against me. When she can’t get any leverage at all, she huffs. “I’m sorry I put my knife to your throat.” With that, she sags against the mattress.

I let go of her wrists and sit back against my heels, inspecting the knife.

“This thing won’t decently cut anyone.” The blade is too short to do much damage if she was actually able to stab someone, and the edge is too dull to slice anyone.

“You’ll only get yourself hurt with it.” I fold the knife back into the handle and slip it into my back pocket before climbing off the bed, completely releasing her.

“That’s mine.” She leaps from the bed, tugging her dress down to cover her bare ass while trying to lunge around me to get her property back.

“Not anymore.” I grab her wrist and use it to get her to sit on the bed. “Do you usually take off your panties while you sleep?” I change the topic to the panties bundled up at her feet. She looks down at the crumpled material.

“Sometimes,” she mumbles, bending over and snagging them. “I must have been hot.” She runs her empty hand over her face and sighs. “I’m sorry, really. I woke up and you were there, and my panties were gone.”

I open the bottle of aspirin I found for her and drop three tablets into her palm. “Take these.”
