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“How are you doing?”Goldie asks.

She’s been using her calm tone on me for the last few weeks. I hate it. It just reminds me of how fragile I’m feeling right now.

It’s been close to four weeks since Anson and I slept together, and then he disappeared. I had woken up feeling so hopeful about our future. I knew we would have a lot to talk about and discuss, but I was ready. We were finally on the same page.

Except we weren’t.

I woke up alone, and at first, I thought maybe he was in the shower or had slipped out to grab breakfast. Only, he never came back home.

I tried to call him at least a dozen times, but he never answered any of them. My texts went unanswered as well.

After a few days of radio silence, it hit me that he was ghosting me. All the hope and excitement I had been feeling was long gone. Now I’m just feeling empty.

And really pissed off.

I can’t believe that Anson would do this. I can’t believe that he would just abandon me like that.

I keep swinging from rage to despair, and it’s starting to wear on me. I haven’t been sleeping very well lately. I’m so stressed out that I’m sick to my stomach. I’ve even thrown up a few times in the last couple of days.

“I’m fine,” I tell Goldie, but I know neither of us is buying that.

“Lottie,” Goldie starts.

“I just feel like I lost him. It’s like I threw away over a decade of friendship for one night, and I don’t know if it was worth it,” I say, fresh tears starting to spill down my cheeks.

“Why don’t we hang out tonight?” Goldie suggests. “We can drink and cry together.”

“What’s wrong?” Boss Man asks, and Goldie sighs.

“This is a private conversation.”

“Why are you going to cry?”

“Because I work for you.”

“Hilarious,” Boss Man deadpans.

“I’ll let you get back to work.”

“But tonight?”

“I’m in. Come over here?”

“Perfect. I’ll see you around six.”

I hang up and go back to staring blankly at my computer screen. I threw myself into work when Anson first left, trying to distract myself, and managed to finish all my projects for the rest of the month. Now that I’m ahead, though, I can’t seem to find the will to work.

I just want to take a nap.

I wipe the tears from my cheeks and wrap the blanket tighter around my shoulders. My stomach protests, and I bolt for the bathroom, making it just in time to throw up the toast I ate for breakfast.

I brush my teeth, splashing some cold water on my face before I trudge back to the bedroom and collapse onto the bed.

I grab my phone, texting Goldie as my eyes start to droop.

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