Page 17 of Pretty Vile

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“Fuck me, Little Sparrow,” Hawk demands, and while Wilder fingers my ass, I do just that, riding Hawk hard and fast until the restraint on his control snaps. He then takes over, grabbing my hips hard enough to leave bruises as he thrusts up into me, deep enough that I swear I feel it in my lungs.

“Oh fuck,” I groan, when my third orgasm of the night encroaches.

“Fuck, yes,” Hawk growls.

Wilder snakes a hand down between mine and Hawk’s bodies so he can rub my clit and finger-fuck my ass at the same time. It’s stimulation overload, and I erupt with an orgasm so intense that I think I must have blacked out for a moment, because the next thing I know, I’m wrapped in a towel and bundled up in someone’s arms as I’m lifted out of the bathtub.

I’m not sure who; my eyes are too heavy to peel open, and by the time I’m tucked into bed, sleep has dragged me under.

* * *

“I’ve been looking into Mel,”Kai says early the next morning. I ended up crashing after the bath and didn’t wake up until this morning. Hawk and Wilder also look like they got some rest; however, Kai looks even worse than yesterday.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask him if he slept at all last night, but I bite back the words, sensing he might only allow himself to get some rest once he knows all the facts.

All four of us are seated around the kitchen table. Well, Hawk and I are sitting on one side of the table, with Kai sitting opposite, making me feel like this is more of an interrogation than a simple chat. Wilder—who has barely looked at me all morning—is leaning against the kitchen counter, as far away as he could possibly be, while still being included in the conversation.

“And?” Hawk asks. “Was there something we missed?”

I tense, waiting anxiously for Kai’s response. Now that some of the initial shock has worn off, I haven’t stopped wondering what I missed. I mean, how could I not know that Mel was her own special brand of crazy? I lived with her forfour years.Apart from Hadley, she was my closest friend. Ihadto have missed something. Some sort of sign. Something obvious that I overlooked.

“No. I couldn’t find anything.”

“What does that mean?” Wilder asks, frowning from his perch.

“I mean, there was nothing to find. She has no criminal record—sealed or otherwise—and no documented history of having stalked anyone before Emilia. No red-flag behaviors, either. She was a model high school student. Average-Joe parents. Happy childhood.”

“Is it possible that everything you found was falsified?” Hawk queries. When I give him a questioning look, he explains, “If she’s capable of hacking into our security system, then it’s entirely plausible that she’d hack in and change her school records or delete any evidence of her criminal history. Hell, she could have made up this entire persona. Perhaps Mel isn’t even a real person.”

“What are you saying?” I question, wide-eyed.

“I’m saying that Mel might not even be Mel. She could be anyone, from anywhere. Her entire life could be a fake.”

I gape open-mouthed at him before swiveling my gaze to Kai, raising my eyebrows in a silent plea for him to confirm or deny what Hawk is saying.

He nods slowly. “It’s entirely possible. I’ll make a few phone calls today and see if I can talk to someone who actually knows her.”

“This is all so fucked up,” I murmur, wrapping my arms around my middle in some semblance of comfort. How is it possible that the woman I thought I knew almost as well as I know myself is a virtual stranger? I don’t know her at all.

“You didn’t know she had the ability to hack computer software?” Kai asks. There’s no accusation in his tone, only curiosity.

“No,” I state, incredulous. “I mean, she was always able to help me out when my laptop crashed, and she’d make a bit of money helping other students retrieve unsaved work they’d lost.” I frown as I try to recall if she ever indicated she could do more than fix basic computer problems. “She had this big laptop she’d carry with her everywhere, but she just said she liked to play online games. Maybe she was able to YouTube how to get into our cameras?”

Kai shakes his head. “These were military-grade cameras. Not some cheap home security setup you can purchase on the internet. It would have taken real skill to get past the firewalls.”

All I can do is helplessly shrug my shoulders as I stare at a knot in the wooden table, too lost in my thoughts to actually see it. It’s just more proof that I genuinely didn’t know the girl I’d been living with.

“Tell us what happened yesterday,” Kai says softly.

I lift my eyes to his, and despite his brush-off yesterday and this strange gulf forming between us, I find comfort in his warm gaze.

“She was standing over me when I woke up in that basement….”

I rehash everything that happened yesterday with Mel, and by the time I’m finished, Kai is tapping his finger absently against the table, lost in thought.

“So what do we do?” Hawk asks when Kai doesn’t show any signs of sharing his thoughts with us.

His lips purse. “I’m not sure yet.”
