Page 29 of Pretty Vile

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My seriousness has Hadley’s eyes widening. “Really?” Her gaze darts back and forth between mine. “Here? Or back at Halston?”

“I think I’m done with Halston.”

I pick at my food while I wait for her to say something. “What are you saying, Em?”

Our voices are low enough that the others can’t overhear us, especially over the din of their own conversations. Which is why I feel brave enough to tell her what I’ve been thinking about constantly since I blurted it out to Wilder last night.

“Once everything with Mel is sorted out, I want to stay here.” I glance up at her through my eyelashes, only relaxing when a smile spreads across her face. I didn’t think she’d be against it, but I know she’s protective of her brother and even Wilder, and she’s probably wondering what my permanent return might mean for them.

“For real? That would be fantastic!”

“Yeah?” I question.

“Of course, it would! Why wouldn’t it? I’d love to have you around more.” She smirks, her eyes flicking across the table to where Hawk is talking to Mason. “And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one.”

I have no idea if Hawk has told her anything about whatever is going on between us, although I know I haven’t, so I keep my mouth shut. I don’t want to say anything to her just yet. Not with everything so up in the air at the minute. So instead, I simply roll my eyes and finally take a bite of my food, ignoring the heavy press of Wilder’s eyes into the side of my head.

Hadley gets pulled into a conversation with West, and the second she turns away, my phone buzzes in my bag. Since everyone else is seated around me, the only person it could be is Kai, probably checking in on me. Despite his newfound inability to look at me, I know he worries, especially now that he has to keep his distance.

Seeing that it’s not Kai but a text from Hawk, I flick my gaze across the table toward him. He’s chewing on a fry and listening to something Mason is saying, paying me zero attention.

Confused, I open the message.

Hawk:What’s wrong?

Emilia:Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.

His reply comesthrough a few seconds later, despite his attention never seeming to waver from Mason.

Hawk:Don’t bullshit me, Little Sparrow. I can clearly see something is wrong. What happened?

I huff out a breath,glowering at my phone as if it’s his face, and I aggressively type,I found a dried peony in my desk drawer this morning.

Feeling his eyes on me,I dare glimpse at him. His gaze is filled with concern—although rage simmers just beneath the surface—as he searches my face. I only rip my eyes away when my phone vibrates with a new message.

Hawk:You think it’s from Mel?

Emilia:Who else could it be? She sent me one before.

Hawk:Was there anything else with it?

Emilia:I’m not sure. I kind of freaked out and closed the drawer as soon as I saw it.

Hawk:Okay. Take some photos and bring everything home with you so we can have a look at it tonight.

Hawk:You’re not alone, we’ll get through this.

His final messageeases the tension weighing on my shoulders, making me feel bolstered. I peer up at him, catching his eye, and nod my head. He gives me a reassuring smile. It’s all he can offer, and I soak up his confidence in me like a wet sponge, needing it to bolster me and get me through the rest of the day.

* * *

Peonies have been deliveredto my classroom every day this week. They’re either there when I arrive in the morning, or they show up any time I step out during the day. The thought of Mel moving around campus so easily, coming and going from my classroom whenever she pleases, freaks me out. I’m gathering a collection of peonies, and I’m terrified that I’ll have a whole bouquet very soon.

Flowers aren’t the only thing being delivered. A letter was stuffed in my staff mail cubby yesterday, and today, a photo album was delivered to the house, filled with photos of Mel and me over the last four years.

It’s officially reached the point where I’m scared to discover what new horror the next day will bring. So far, none of it has been threatening, but it has been unnerving. Her letter was filled with memories from the past. All of them from her perspective—a perspective that is far more sinister than what I’d pictured.

I’m left questioning every smile I tossed her way, every complaint about a guy I was dating, every time I suggested the two of us stay in and watch a movie instead of going to a party. Suddenly, none of our moments together seem innocent and cemented in friendship. She perceived every single moment, every look, every laugh as somethingmore.Something deep, shared only between us.
