Page 53 of Pretty Vile

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Cresting the top step, I pause and stare at Emilia’s closed door before moving toward it. Reaching out, I slowly turn the handle and quietly slip into her room. I immediately find her curled up on her side in the middle of the bed, sleeping peacefully with a book lying open upside down beside her.

It amazes me how, despite the horrors surrounding her, she’s able to sleep at all. Is her faith that we will protect her that strong? Emilia’s a worrier. If she didn’t feel safe, she would be pacing the room, cleaning the bathroom, or doing other meaningless tasks to keep herself distracted.

She definitely wouldn’t be sleeping so soundly.

Seeing her so at ease is like a salve to my wounded soul. I feel like I can actually breathe for the first time all day. I can’t take my eyes off her sleeping form as I step up to her side. Reaching into my pocket, I pull out the bracelet with the tracker. I’ve been carrying it around everywhere I go since she gave it back to me, unable to let it go. I know she’s got Wilder’s tracker embedded beneath her skin, but after today, it doesn’t feel like that is enough. Mel is smart, and she’s proven she knows us—me—better than I thought. She’ll expect me to have some way of keeping track of Emilia. I’d rather she believe me to be naive or stupid than find the true tracker in Emilia’s neck.

After carefully fastening it around Emilia’s wrist, I run my thumb over the waterfall charm as I recall her carefree smile from that day. She was so relaxed and at ease… free. With a sigh, I move to the adjacent wall and sink to the floor. Leaning my back against the wall, I bring my knees up and rest my forearms on top of them.

Watching the steady rise and fall of her chest, I vow to see her smile like that again one day soon. To do that, I have to make sure she doesn’t end up like Laura. Even if I have to destroy everything between us to achieve that.



"Ihaven’t seen your boyfriend around recently," Jacob, one of the students in my senior literature class, says, pausing at my desk on his way out of the classroom.

Containing my frown, I glance up at him. He’s one of the more boisterous students. A typical jock, here on some sort of sporting scholarship, and barring achieving a passing grade in class, he doesn’t care about what I’m teaching him—and he makes it known by acting out and making jokes.

He reminds me of this guy who went to Halston. Quarterback. Cocky. Thought he was a god on the playing field and off of it. He’d stroll around campus with his two best friends like they owned the place. Of course, they all had trust funds large enough to feed a third-world country, so they probably did own the place.

They specifically targeted a freshman girl in our senior year. I don’t know the complete story, choosing to focus on my studies rather than get caught up in school gossip, but from what I heard, they made her life miserable.

Just like that guy, Jacob is also a relentless flirt, and unfortunately, he latched his sights on me when Kai started showing his face every day. Of course, now that Kai no longer meets me after my last class of the day, this presumptuous asshole has picked up on his absence.

“He’s been busy,” I state vaguely.

Somehow, that only makes one side of his lips hitch up in a haughty smirk. "Damn, here I thought the hottest teacher on campus might be available."

I force my face to remain blank, even as my cheeks heat. "Even if that were the case, I wouldn’t go out with one of my students."

"Because it’s against the rules?" he purrs, his eyes sparking in delight at that. I’m guessing obtaining the unattainable is his kink. Sadly for him, that whole forbidden romance thing doesn’t do it for me. At least, not if it’s with him. I’d definitely be up for some naughty student-teacher roleplaying with Hawk or Wilder.

Sighing, I lean back in my chair. “Did you have a question about today’s lecture, Jacob?”

He racks his brain, and I’m fairly certain he would fabricate a question if he could recall a single detail from today’s class. But it seems he can’t remember anything that was discussed. I’d roll my eyes if it didn’t come across as unprofessional. Instead, I point toward the awaiting students currently filling up my classroom.

“No? Then, if you don’t mind, I have another class to teach.”

He frowns, annoyance flashing across his face, there and gone in a split second before he pastes on a coy smile. Biting on his lower lip, he rakes his eyes over me in a lascivious way that just leaves me feeling gross. "I’ll be seeing ya, Miss Harrison." The way he says my name, like he’s picturing calling me that while he’s dick deep inside me, makes me shudder. A move that he completely misinterprets based on the hunger that sparks in his eyes before he turns and strides out the door.

Fucking cocky college students,I grumble internally before pushing all thoughts of Jacob aside and diving into my next lecture.

At lunch, I head to the small library in Burney Hall. It’s empty as I take a seat at one of the computers, logging in and pulling up my emails. There’s no hesitation or second-guessing as I type out the email.

Dear Vanessa,

Through this email,I hereby announce my resignation from the editorial assistant position effective immediately.

I greatly appreciatethe opportunity you have given me and the understanding you have demonstrated these recent weeks. I genuinely enjoyed my time with the company. Unfortunately, my life has changed drastically, and it has taken me in a new direction.


Emilia Harrison

Although butterflies flit nervouslyin my stomach, a broad grin plays along my lips as I hit send. For the first time in a long time, this decision feels right. I feel as though I’m finally where I’m supposed to be. I’m finally at peace; at home. There’s a lot I still need to achieve to obtain the future I want here—most notably getting Kai and Wilder on my side and eliminating Mel—but as I finger the bracelet I woke up to around my wrist, knowing Kai placed it there for unknown reasons, I am cautiously optimistic and excited for this next step.

* * *
