Page 72 of Pretty Vile

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"So letme get this straight. Someone managed to sneak past our security detail, usedourcode to enter the house, and evaded all of our security cameras."

“Yes, that’s right,” Jasper states with a furrowed brow and thin lips.

My eyes narrow on him. “Do you think it was an inside job?”

“Not a chance. There’s no way one of my men would betray us.”

I search his face for any sign of doubt, except Jasper is one of my best operatives. His team has the highest success rate—100% until today—which is why I entrusted him with Randall Compton.

Tapping my finger against the desk, I scan the array of photos sitting in front of me. A single gunshot to the head. Clean. Professional.

"Is it possible a professional could have seen one of the men enter the security code and made it past your defenses?"

“Not without some sort of inside knowledge. But if he did, it didn’t come from my team,” Jasper responds confidently. “The code was changed every day, and not only did he make it past the guards and evade the security cameras, but he also managed to slip past the hidden cameras. Only Ethan and I knew they existed.”

He seems to mull over something before deciding to spit it out anyway. "I don’t know if Randall was paranoid or what, however, he approached me the other day about beefing up security. He seemed nervous, twitchy, and was adamant I get more feet on the ground ASAP."

“You think someone might have been after him?”

Jasper just shrugs. “He didn’t say it in so many words, although he already had a comprehensive team around him. Why would he suddenly want more?”

“Okay, Jasper. Thank you for coming in.”

With a curt nod, he exits the office, leaving me to stew over everything.

I’m still sitting there when my father walks in, looking as haggard as I feel.

“What’s the consensus?”

Wiping my palm down my face, I look up at him. “We have a leak.”

He nods, already having drawn the same conclusion.

“Any leads?”

I shake my head. “It’s not Jasper’s team. Other than that, no. I’ll get West to find out who has accessed Randall’s file in the last couple of weeks. That should give us a solid starting point.”

My father nods. “I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, son, that this reflects poorly on us. The press are already dragging us through the mud.”

“I know.”

“The sooner we can find the source, the better.”

I nod, and he sighs wearily. “I trust you to handle this.” Standing up, he gives me a tight smile. “Keep me informed.”

I’m once again left alone, and after gathering the slim file containing information regarding Compton’s death, I head to Kai’s office.

“Hey,” he greets with a head tilt. “How are you holding up?”

“Please tell me you keep whiskey in here. I’m having the day from hell.”

Huffing out a laugh, he pulls open his bottom drawer and lifts out a whole bottle of whiskey and two tumblers. Pouring a hefty measure into both, he pushes one toward me.

“So, it looks like we have a leak,” I tell him. He—along with the rest of the world—already knows about Compton’s murder and our supposed involvement. He already offered to help me, but I want all of his efforts on Mel.

His lips pinch. “You’ll find out who it is.”

I stare into my drink for a long moment before lifting my head to meet his gaze. “What if it’s Mel?”
