Page 3 of Cease and Desist

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Fuck.Hawk should have known Drake would pick up on his lack of enthusiasm. “I’m fine.”

Logan held up a hand. “Drake said you’d say that. According to him, you’re not fine. He says you’re bored. No matter what he throws at you, you get it done in an excellent and efficient manner, but you never seem toenjoydoing any of it the way you used to.”

“I— That’s no— It’s not that… Why are you smiling?”

Logan grinned. “He said you’d make all kinds of excuses.”

“Fuck.” Hawk shook his head and took a long slug of his drink. He swallowed and asked, “Why isn’t he asking me about this himself then?”

“Because he says you won’t tell him the truth. He’s hoping you’ll be candid with me.”

Hawk snorted. “Is that why you invited me?” The warmth that he’d felt at being included was fading fast.

Logan frowned. “No. Not at all. I extended the invite before talking to Drake about something else. He mentioned on that call he would like me to speak with you. You helped us in Hawaii and saved our asses in Florence. We owe you for that, but it also makes you part of the family. You’re welcome here anytime.”

Hawk searched the other man’s face, but all he saw was sincerity. “Thanks. I appreciate that.” And he did. Very much.

“Look, you know we’re swamped here. If you’re interested, there’s a job here for you. You can be our head of legal, which would alleviate my workload greatly, but I don’t think that’s what you want. You can also go back into the field.” He smiled, “You can take the boy out of special teams, but you can’t take the special teams out of the boy. You want to run a team? Say the word. You can have your pick of assignments. I know both Gage and Mitch value your skills and would have no hesitation about giving you whatever you want in terms of the personal security aspect of things. Jake sings your praises too and that’s saying something because he rarely says much about anyone’s skill.”

Stunned, Hawk just stood there. He was being offered a chance to go back and do what he loved doing the most. He’d loved being a SEAL. Planning ops and keeping the world safe had made his heart sing until it didn’t. Burnout was real. He’d needed to get away from it. He had thought permanently, but now he was being offeredcarte blancheto do it again. Did he want to?

He glanced across the room. Gage and Mitch were both watching him. They both gave him a little nod. They were confirming what their brother was telling him.

He focused on Logan again. “I’m… Thanks. It means a lot that you guys have that kind of faith in me. I… I’m not sure what I’m looking for at the moment. Just that…I’m looking? Does that make sense?”

Logan nodded. “Take your time. Drake would hate to lose you, but he would hate it more if you were unhappy. If you figure out what you want and he can give it to you, talk to him. If it’s something we can give you, reach out. We’d love to have you with us on a day-to-day basis.”

Hawk nodded. “Thanks. I appreciate that. More than you know.”

Logan smiled. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, they’re running out of food. I have to check on dinner. You’re staying, yes?”

Hawk nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it. You’re an excellent chef.”

“Thank you.” Logan beamed as he turned and made his way into the kitchen.

* * *

Two hours later, Hawk helped clear the table. The meal had been tasty as he’d known it would be. The meat was so tender he could have cut it with a spoon, and the potatoes were amazing. Someday, he was going to have to get Logan’s recipe.

“I’ll take that,” Mitch said, reaching for the plates in Hawk’s hand.

“I don’t mind.”

“Yeah, but I do. You’re too slow. I want dessert.” Mitch grinned as he took the plates and made a beeline for the kitchen.

“You should just sit down again,” Lacy said. “They’ve got it under control and trying to help will just slow them down.”

“Fair enough,” he said and sat back down at the table. Dragan came over and offered him coffee, which smelled great as a cup was poured. It was hot and perfectly brewed. He could totally get used to this if working here meant access to food and drink of this caliber. That thought shook him. Was he? Was he going to chuck in his law career and go back into security?

Lacy groaned. Rubbed her temples.

“You okay?” Alex asked as she sat back down.

Lacy grimaced. “I’ve got a headache coming on.

Concern flicked across Alex’s face. “Maybe go lie down for a bit.”

“I can’t. I promised Remy I’d go read over her paperwork before she files her lawsuit tomorrow, I assured her I would drop by her shop tonight.” She let out a long sigh.
