Page 37 of Cease and Desist

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Remy swallowed the lump building in her throat and squeezed Gus’s arm. “I’m going to look into it, Gus.” She looked at Hawk. “That is,weare going to figure it out.” There was no way she could do this without Hawk. She needed him to not only keep her safe, but she also needed his quiet strength to draw from. She turned back to her grandfather’s best friend. “But we need you to be safe. It might be best if you went to California for a while. Just until we get this sorted out.”


“Gus,” Hawk said in a serious tone, “Remy and I couldn’t live with it if something happened to you. It won’t take them long to figure out you were the only constant in Remy’s life. Then they’ll come looking for you. They’ll probably want to search your place. It’s too dangerous for you to stay here.”

“But I can help you search,” Gus protested.

Hawk shook his head. “You could, but it’s a huge risk to your safety.” He pointed to Remy. “You are her defacto grandfather now. The only family she has left. If anything happens to you, she is all alone. I know you don’t want that, Gus.”

The old man’s shoulder sagged, as though defeated. “No, you’re right.” He turned to Remy. “Your grandfather would never forgive me.”

She smiled at him through her tears and then gave him a big hug. “We’ll keep you updated as we can, okay?”

He nodded. “Okay, pipsqueak.”

She giggled. He hadn’t called her that in years. It lifted her spirits immensely.

Gus used his napkin to wipe his face. “I’ll call my kids and tell them the good news. They’ve been after me to come visit since Remy died. I have to find a flight. Today’s Sunday. Maybe I could find one for Wednesday or Thursday.”

Remy shot Hawk a look. Gus couldn’t wait that long. No way. He’d be in trouble by then.

“Why don’t you let me take care of that?” Hawk said as he picked up his cell off the table. “I think we can get you out tonight.”

“Tonight! But I have to pack and clean out the fridge and—and—get ready.”

Hawk stood up and put his cell to his ear as he walked away from the table.

“Gus, I know this is sudden, but I have to know that you’re okay. I just need you to go as soon as possible. Hawk wasn’t wrong. I really won’t forgive myself if something happens to you.”

“I know. I’m just so…frustrated that I can’t do more to help. Your grandfather was my best friend for ninety years. The fact that I can’t help him is driving me crazy.”

“You are helping him by being safe. You can always call me if you think of anything important.”

“Okay.” He let out a sigh. “That sounds like a good plan. These old bones could use a dose of sunshine, and an even bigger dose of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren.”

She smiled. Gus was always a glass half full kind of guy. He was already cheering himself up.Thank God.Now they just needed to get him packed and safely to the airport.

Hawk came back to the table. “Gus, a friend of mine named Ernie is going to pick you up here and take you home to pack, and then he’s going to take you to the airport. My assistant booked you on a night flight to San Diego. It leaves at eight p.m. It’s going to be a long haul, but you’ll be in the sunshine before you know it. Don’t worry about your place. I’ll have the fridge cleaned for you. I assume there’s a spare key to your place at the shop?”

“Yes, in the can under the counter.”

“Okay then, you’re good to go.” Hawk smiled.

Gus stood up. He offered a hand to Hawk. “You take good care of her now. I’ll come after you if I hear anything different.”

Hawk nodded. “Understood, sir. I will do my best.”

“See that you do.”

Remy didn’t know whether she should be pissed off or should laugh. The two men talking about her like she wasn’t there was annoying but also charming. She decided instead to stand up and give Gus a big hug. “Thanks for this, Gus. Stay in touch and let us know when you get there. Call if you think of anything.”

“I will. You take care, pipsqueak.” He gave her a smile before he shrugged into his coat. Hawk walked him to the door.

Remy sat back down and watched them go. She said a prayer that Gus made it safely to San Diego and that no one bothered him out there. She looked down at the old, scarred tabletop. It was time to figure out the next step, but she had no fucking clue what that was. All she knew was she was in a desperate place, and people wanted her dead.


Hawk returned to the table and sat down. “How are you holding up?”
