Page 81 of Cease and Desist

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He shook his head. “Don’t thank me. You are the one who made the choice. You saved him.” He glanced down at her dress. “Would you like to get changed? The doctors will find you when they know something.”

She nodded. She had blood, Hawk’s blood, all over her dress. She wanted a shower and clean clothes. But more than anything, she wanted Hawk to live.


Hawk opened his eyes slowly. His chest hurt like a bitch, as if someone had hit him with a sledgehammer.

Remy.Was she okay? He tried to look around and see if she was there, but pain lanced through his as he moved. He flopped back with a moan.

“You’ll want to keep still. It will hurt otherwise.”

Hawk turned his head to find Archer Gray sitting in a chair next to his bed. Was he in a hospital? The room looked more like a swank bedroom with its warm gray walls and overstuffed off-white furniture. The beeps and whirring of the machines were the only thing that said this wasn’t a hotel room.

“Remy?” he croaked. “Is she—"

“She’s fine. You saved her life.”

Hawk closed his eyes again for a moment. He remembered the tingling at the base of his spine and his hair standing up. He had stepped in front of Remy. But after that, the rest was blank.

Thank God, she was okay. If he’d done nothing else right, at least he’d kept her safe.

“You took a bullet for her. Najeddine shot you. He’s dead.”

“Did you kill him?” Hawk croaked. He opened his eyes and stared at Archer.

“No, you can thank Austin Davis for that.”

“Really?” Drawing a full breath in order to get words out was a massive struggle. He rested his head on the pillow and focused on breathing shallowly.

Archer nodded. “I know, surprising. I was surprised, too. I think— It’s not important what I think. You need to save your energy and get well.”

“How did I get here? This is part of a Lock and Key Society facility, isn’t it?”

Archer nodded. “I will let Remy explain that to you.”

Hawk had the distinct feeling he wasn’t going to like whatever Remy had to tell him. “Why are you here?”

Archer stood. “I came to make sure you’re okay. It’s part of my job,” he said in a clear voice as a nurse entered the room. She checked the machines, offered Hawk some water and then adjusted his blankets. “Not too long, Mr. Gray. Mr. Hawkins needs his rest,” she instructed, then she bustled out.

Hawk looked back at Archer and raised an eyebrow. “I thought the society was supposed to be secret. How can all these people work here? Are they members?” he asked. Talking was taking more out of him than he liked but he needed answers.

“We have many employees who work for us. They only see the area they work in and are sworn to secrecy. They are well paid for their silence.”

“I see,” Hawk said.

Archer leaned forward. “Remington,” he said in a voice barely above a whisper, “is in danger. She is not supposed to be, but certain factions want to change specific things in the society. Her seat holds special…privileges. People want those. They won’t kill her today or tomorrow, but know there’s a big shit storm coming, and she might end up in the middle of it. I will do my best to protect her, but I think she will need all the help she can get.”

Hawk nodded once but even that small movement jarred him with pain.

“I’m sure Remington will be by to see you shortly. Rest up.” He dropped his voice again. “You’re going to need it.”


“I’m sorry I took so long to get here,” Remy said as she brushed a stray hair behind her ear. “You all saved my ass, and I feel like I’ve treated you horribly. It was just I didn’t want to leave until I knew Hawk would be okay.”

“Totally understandable,” Logan said as he handed her a cup of tea and then sat down on the sofa beside Lacy. “He’s doing okay?”

“Yes, the doctors say he’ll make a full recovery. The bullet missed his heart but nicked his lung. He should be up and around shortly. He’ll have some rehab to do after he gets on his feet, but he should be good as new.”
