Page 59 of Paw or Less

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“The nameof the man behind all these attacks is Dave Henson.” Alex handed Mars the report.

Mars glanced over at Alex slowly. The coyote shifter had been the one to interrogate the wolf shifter.

The wolf shifter wasn’t the person behind the attacks. He was just another minion.

Now, as Mars looked at Alex, he couldn’t miss the blood on the coyote shifter’s shirt. He also couldn’t miss the deep, swollen bruise on the coyote’s cheek.

“Looks like the dog put up a fight,” Mars commented nonchalantly. He opened the file on Dave Henson.

Alex sighed and went over to the bar in his office. The office was small, with four walls held up by masses of files.

There was no rhyme or reason to any of it that Mars could tell. But he couldn’t ignore the feeling that every piece of paper was about to come crashing down on him.

“He’s a shifter too?” Mars asked, surprised, as he read through the information.

Alex had extracted most of the information from the wolf-shifter minion but had done his own research.

“Yeah, he is.” Alex gulped down the cheap scotch that he had poured into a tumbler. “Though I am not sure what kind. That was one piece of information I couldn’t get.”

“No worries,” Mars said, wincing at the scent of the scotch. He’d have to get Alex something better to drink. “Why don’t you come around Casey’s sometime?”

Alex looked at him contemplatively for a moment. Then he nodded.

“That would be nice. I haven’t had a proper meal in ten years.”

Mars believed the coyote shifter.

* * *

Alex had trappedDave in the penthouse suite in his hotel downtown. The man clearly had money, Mars thought as he got out of his car.

But Dave Henson didn’t have Casey money.

And Dave Henson also didn’t own the hotel he was staying in.

“Mr. Casey!” The concierge’s face had gone white upon spying Mars.

“I didn’t realize you were coming in. If I had known, I would have kept the penthouse suite clear for you.”

“That’s okay, Marissa.” Mars smiled easily, putting her at ease. “I’m actually here to see the guest in the penthouse. Tell him I’m coming up, will you.”

Marissa’s face cleared, and Mars could hear the near-silent sigh of relief that she gave.

He’d have to look into employment practices at the hotel. No one should be that nervous just to see him. What was the manager up to? He followed Marissa to the elevator.

Dave Henson was waiting for Mars in front of the elevator, which opened to the entire suite.

The man smiled cheerfully at Mars as he stepped into the penthouse.

“I’ll see you later, Marissa,” Mars told the concierge politely.

She smiled, though she eyed both men carefully before she left.

“Would you like a drink?” Dave asked Mars.

The summer storm had receded when Mars had traveled back to town. But now it had returned. Mars saw it through the wide floor-to-ceiling windows. He could feel the electricity of the lightning lingering in the air.

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