Page 219 of Tease Me

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“And if Dem wants to start things up again?”

Okay, that could be awkward.

“We’ll invite him here.”

“Then you won’t have a choice. You’ll have to have sex with him.”

Sex sounded like a good idea in her head, but she didn’t want things to get messy. Could be she looked at him again and the spark just wasn’t there. The guy was hot, no doubting that, was that enough?

“I don’t need to have sex with him.”

“Inviting your ex to your apartment is basically inviting him into your bed. You don’t have kids or pets to discuss. You don’t even share the same circle of friends. It’s a booty call.”

Turning over her phone, the message glowed up at her. Was that Dem’s point? He just wanted to screw? If they did it once, did that obligate her to be his piece of ass on speed dial? Probably one of many a guy like Demetri could have lined up and waiting.

Sex was great, but not if it got in the way of time with her friends. Did she have time for a fuck buddy?

“You’re safer going out,” Gwen said. “Somewhere public. Take Alex.”

She laughed. “I can’t just take another guy on a date with us. How awkward would that be?” She sat straighter. “Unless you want to come too.”

“Come with you?” Gwen went to wash her hands. “You, me, and Dem?”

She hopped off the counter to snag the towel and toss it to her friend. “And Alex.”

“The four of us? Like a double date.” Gwen grinned. “You know I’ve been desperate to meet Alex.”

“And this is your chance. I’ll tell Dem to meet us somewhere. At some bar. You and Alex can get a read on him. Is it just sex he wants? Does he want to start us up again? Do we have chemistry?”

“Okay, but don’t expect me to be nice to the guy. I’ll aim for civil, be grateful if I hit it.”

“It’s a good way to get Alex back out there too. No pressure of something romantic, just being out in a social setting, relaxing back into the rhythm of it.”

“I’m in if Alex is,” Gwen said, screwing on her lid to put the bottle in the fridge. “What do you think he’ll say?”

“He’ll support me,” she said.

Even if he was reluctant, she’d find a way to talk him into it. She wouldn’t ever let anything bad happen to him. If they went out and he hated it or got upset, she’d call the whole thing off. Her friend’s wellbeing would come first. Always.


Alex had put up with her strange ways thus far. There was a chance he’d play along. But with his recent breakup still looming large, it wouldn’t be fair to push him. If they went out, one of two things would happen. Either he’d snap out of his denial, or the night out would send him into a downward spiral of self-destruction. High stakes. Would giving him an opportunity to face the truth help him out in the long run?

Hurrying over to their coffee shop table, she planted both hands on his shoulders from behind to bow and kiss his cheek before sitting down. “Okay, I need you to hear me out.”

“That’s an ominous start,” he said.

She looped her purse strap off over her head to dump it on the table. “What are you doing this Saturday?”

“Uh…” he started, picking up his cup. “Working until you come in and steam up my bathroom.”

She smiled. “How would you feel about a date?” His cup stopped before it got to his lips. Grabbing for his free hand, she didn’t want him to jump to any conclusions. “Don’t worry, it’s not a real date, not really…” She frowned. “Not exactly.”


“It’s Gwenie. She really, really wants to meet you and—”

“Your roommate?” he asked, the picture of shock. “You want to set me up on a date with your roommate?”

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