Page 567 of Tease Me

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The caffeine in her belly burned as she picked up her phone.

Telemarketer. Damn, she hated those calls. Every time her phone rang, her heart would skip a little, and her stomach would tense up and ache, and her skin would chill. What if—? She recognized the symptoms from science class. Fight or flight. Adrenaline. Nine times out of ten, the calls were telemarketers. Or at the very least, a reminder call that she needed to pick up a prescription or she had a library book overdue.

Heart still racing, Tatum put her phone back on her table and took a deep breath.


Tatum jerked her head up when she heard Charlie’s voice behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see him step inside, his brothers trailing him. Not sure she was ready to deal with him, not when her body was in panic mode from the phone call, Tatum ducked her head and stared at her laptop, pretending to be busy.


“Hey, Charlie.” Everleigh looked as happy to see him as always. Charlie glanced at Tatum, a little bit relieved to see her there at her regular table, and decided she, too, looked as happy to see him as always. Which was not happy at all.

“Is Mom around?” he asked as he approached the counter.

“No.” Everleigh was already pouring his coffee. “She went to the bank, and she was meeting someone for brunch.”

“Mm.” Charlie nodded. “Okay.” He took the cup she offered him. “Listen, do something with this ass, will you?” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at Mal. “He’s been obnoxious all morning.”

“She likes me that way.” Mal elbowed Charlie out of the way and leaned over the counter to kiss Everleigh. “Hi.”


“You left your bra at my place last night,” he told her.

Charlie pretended to gag as he turned away from them. He glanced at Sev and rolled his eyes.

"I know I did." Everleigh sounded amused. “I thought it looked kinda nice hanging on your doorknob.”

“Yeah, but I found it hanging from the ceiling fan.”

“Bullshit.” Charlie coughed into his hand and shook his head at Mal. “We get it. You’re gettin’ laid on a regular basis.”

“I heard the blowjobs stop when you’re in a relationship,” Sev mumbled.

“Not if she likes it.” Everleigh handed Sev a cup with a wink and a smug little smirk.

“Nope.” Charlie shook his head. “Not doin’ this.” He took a step backwards. “I thought you were smarter than that, Everleigh.”

“Blondie likes what she likes, Charles.” Mal glanced at him as he made his way behind the counter to help himself to a mug.

“Speaking of which.” Sev propped his hip on the counter and aimed a look at Charlie. “What’s the crowd looking like for the next whiskey tasting?”

“Just about sold out, last time I talked to Pete,” Charlie answered.

“You comin’ to that one?” Sev glanced at Everleigh.


Charlie gagged again when she and Mal exchanged a grin.

“What’s the line up?” Mal asked, eyes still on Everleigh.

“Sapphire Oaks,” Charlie answered. “I’m heading back to work.”

He debated with himself as he wandered back to the door if he should bother Tatum. Even after she shut him down last night, he still wanted to say hi. To see her face. He wasn’t ready to give up on talking to her, but he didn’t want to be pushy. According to his dad, there was an art to winning a woman’s heart.

“Hey.” He stopped a few feet from her table, careful to stay out of her personal space.

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