Page 608 of Tease Me

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“What for?”

“The dentist.”

“Where are you guys living?”

“With Bill.”

Just the name made Tatum itch. What was someone named Bill doing with her niece right now?

“But where?”

“Do you have cash?” Sutton nodded her head at Tatum’s bag.

“I’ve got about twenty bucks on me, Sutton.” Tatum tipped her head and narrowed her eyes at her. “Who is this Bill guy? How long have you known him?”

“A few months,” Sutton answered dismissively. “I met him at a garage.”

“What were you doing at a garage? You don’t have a car.”

“Bryony has a cavity.”

“Imagine that,” Tatum mumbled. “You’ve known this guy a few months, and you’re living with him. And right now, he’s somewhere with your six-year-old daughter.”

Sutton sighed and fell back dramatically in her chair.

“Tatum, I’ve been clean for six months. Bill’s a nice guy. You keep telling me to grow up and—”

“It’s still pretty fast, especially when you’re trusting him with Bryony.”

“Really? That’s what you’re going to say to me?” Sutton climbed out of her chair so fast, it nearly tipped over. Tatum felt Adele’s eyes on them as she rushed outside after her sister.

“What, Sutton? What’s the deal?”

“I just told you I’ve been clean for six months.”

Tatum stared at Sutton silently. She wasn’t sure she believed her. And also, even if Sutton was telling the truth, she’d cleaned up her act a time or two before only to fall right back off the wagon and into the addiction.

“You don’t believe me.” Sutton nodded. “Okay. Got it.”

“Sutton.” Tatum groaned and reached for her sister when she took a step toward the alley behind the coffee house. “I want to believe you.”

“But you don’t.” Sutton shrugged.

Tatum took a deep breath and looked around the alley and the parking lot behind the place.

“Are they here?” she asked quietly. “Am I gonna get to see her at all?”

“Why didn’t you ever have kids?”

Sutton’s question was a knife in her heart. First of all, the way she phrased it, as if it were too late now if Tatum did want children—that hurt. But her sister’s lack of compassion, understanding, always left Tatum baffled and stung.

“Hard to have babies when I’m alone.” Tatum’s voice came out in a whisper.

“I did it.”

“Yeah. How’s that workin’ out for you?”

“She asked me a few weeks ago who her daddy is.”

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