Page 673 of Tease Me

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I jump from the chair, frantic for the lavatory. The woman points knowingly, and I hurry to the door just in time. I rinse my mouth and splash cool water on my face. The reflection in the mirror shows a worried woman with stress etched on her face, not an ecstatic mother-to-be. I close my eyes and sob until a knock on the door draws me from my musings. Dabbing my face, I step out.

“Ms. Thomas, Dr. Rice will see you now. But do you need a moment or some water?”

I shake my head and follow the nurse to the examination room. I undress and put a gown on before I sit on the table.

Moments later, a knock at the door announces Dr. Rice’s arrival.

“Hello, Blair! I hear congratulations are in order!” He says as he enters with the nurse, who smiles.

I open my mouth to speak, then cover my face as I burst into tears.

He soothes me until I’m ready for the exam. He places gel on my belly, moves the ultrasound wand over it, and works the machine. I stare at the screen, entranced.

Then he turns on the sound.

Multiple sets of rhythmic beats fill the room.

“Why does my baby’s heart sound like that?” I cry, despair creeping into my heart.

Dr. Rice smiles and points at the screen.

“Look here… and… here,” he says.

I peer closer and notice two distinct babies.

“Two!” I shout, tears forgotten.

“Yes, and from the looks of it and your numbers, you’re fourteen weeks or three and a half months pregnant with twins. We can determine their gender at eighteen weeks.”

He advises I need a prenatal visit once a month, then from weeks twenty-four through thirty-six every two weeks. With twins, he expects me to give birth around week thirty-six.

I’m in a fog until I return to my flat. As I sit on the sofa, my hand rests on my slightly extended belly. I stare down at it, still in shock even after Dr. Rice explained the birth control shot is not one-hundred percent effective and I’m pregnant beyond a doubt. My eyes close on an inhalation. When I open them, I take my mobile from my handbag and call Luc.

“Hi, Ma Chérie. I was about to call you. All is taken care of, and I spoke with Roderick.”

“Luc, I need to speak with you… In person… But I can’t fly over now. When can you come to New York?”

“If it’s important…”

“It is. I wouldn’t ask otherwise.”

“I’ll clear my calendar and leave in an hour. D’accord?”

“Okay. Let me know when you land, and I’ll meet you at your penthouse. But I have to go now.”

I ring off before he can respond, then send a text message to Lola, letting her know I need the rest of the day. After a shower, I take a nap until my mobile rings with Luc’s call. I change into an oversized cashmere sweater, leggings, and ballet flats with a duster coat. Instead of riding in the sedan to his penthouse, I walk, hoping the fresh air will clear my head.

By the time I arrive, he’s already there and opens the door. His handsome face, filled with concern, stares back at me. His raw pain adds to the stress I tried to walk off. I duck my head, feeling hot tears well in my eyes, and walk past him as he steps back. His hands rest on my shoulders briefly before he removes my coat. I wrap my arms around my middle and head towards the living room.

“Blair, talk to me.”

His raspy voice undoes me.

The tears spill from my eyes and down my cheeks as my shoulders shake. His powerful arms wrap around me from behind. He presses his front to my back and buries his face in my neck. His warm breath skitters across my skin as he pleads for me to talk to him.

I take a deep breath and turn to face him. His eyes shine with tears as he scans my face. My heart lurches. But I press on.

“Luc… I’m sorry… I didn’t do it on purpose… I… I… I’m pregnant… with twins.”

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