Page 9 of Tease Me

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I don’t even look as I throw the dress into the bathroom and close the door.

“You took your time,” Mercier says as I approach the kitchen island. He’s cleaned everything up and wiped the surfaces. Guy’s a psycho, but he’s a great cook, and he does know how to keep shit clean.

He licks his lips as the sound of the shower starts up. “Without Nix here, there’s nothing stopping us from going to sneak a peek. Maybe get a taste of that famous pussy of hers.”

I grit my teeth. “I hate to break it to you, but I already got a peek. She didn’t give a shit that I was in there watching her take a leak.”

Mercier raises a pierced eyebrow and quirks his mouth up at the edges. “You watched her. Interesting. I thought you weren’t interested.”

“I’m not,” I say a little too quickly. “I was surprised, that’s all. I wasn’t expecting it.”

“But you liked it.”

I grind my teeth and try to bring the conversation to the more pressing matter. Thankfully, being in my mother’s closet did wonders for helping my dick to go down. Nothing kills a mood, like rifling through my mother’s awful clothes. Mercier would probably get off on that. Hell, I wouldn’t put it past him to enjoy the danger of fucking in my parents' bed, but then again, Mercier has never met my parents. “We are not going to watch Lucinda shower. We need to get her out of here. What are you going to say to Waldgrave? It has to be convincing.”

He gives me a grin that wouldn’t look out of place on the Joker. “Oh, I can be convincing. I was planning on telling Daddy dearest that I’ll rip out his darling little girl’s throat out after ramming my dick down it if he doesn’t give me what I want.”

I flinch at how vulgar he is before reminding myself that it has to be this way if I ever want to see the back of Lucinda and a third of thirty million dollars.

“Now, what’s his number?”

I scroll through the contacts in my phone. I’ve never had any dealings with Peter Waldgrave, but my father has. Back before he threw me out, he programmed all his business contacts into my phone and told me that one day I’d see these people as equals. The phone he gave me is long gone, but every time I got a new one, I made sure I ported all the contacts across first. My father was wrong. I’ll never see these assholes as equals, but one day I’ll see them as people who will work for me. I’m not going to let something as insignificant as Lucinda Waldgrave fuck it up.

I don’t get the chance to say the number when a phone lands on the island between us.

“Burner phone,” Nix grunts. “I just bought it. Make the call on that. Don’t fuck it up.”

I was so absorbed in Lucinda and the task at hand that I hadn’t heard him come back in.

I glance up at Mercier as he grabs the phone. “Don’t be on more than a minute. I don’t want them tracing the call. I give him the number and hold my breath as he presses the dial button.

He puts it on the counter and hits the loudspeaker so we can all hear. The phone rings twice before it’s answered. “Waldgrave Industries. Peter Waldgraves office.”

Her voice is clipped and efficient. Peter’s private secretary. Way to go, Dad. I guess my old man has his uses, after all.

“Put Peter on the line,” Mercier says. His accent is gone. He’s deepened his voice and elongated the vowels, so he sounds like he’s from Los Angeles rather than New York. If he wasn’t sitting right in front of me, I wouldn’t recognize his voice at all.

“I’m afraid Mr. Waldgrave is out of the country at the moment. Can I take a message?”

“Yes, you fat cunt. I have his daughter here and unless you connect me to his private phone, I’m going to slit her throat and watch as the life drains out of her.”

There’s a momentary pause and I think I hear her swallow. “I’m afraid I can’t pass that message on right now. As I said, Mr. Waldgrave is out of the country.”

Mercier glances at me in confusion and mouths the words ‘what the fuck?’ Clearly, this isn’t what he was expecting to hear. I don’t think any of us were expecting a crazy receptionist who either hasn’t seen the news, or doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation.

“Didn’t you hear me, bitch?” He grunts. “I have Lucinda. I’m going to fuck her in every hole then I’m going to kill her if you don’t do what I want.”

“I did hear you, and I’ve been expecting your call. Mr. Waldgrave gave me strict instructions to tell you that if you want to see a penny, you’ll have to wait until he gets back on the fifteenth. You may phone him then. Goodbye.”

I stare at the phone as there’s a click, and the line goes dead.

Mercier picks up the phone and looks at the screen as though it’s going to give him answers. “What the fuck just happened?”

Nix grabs it and flings it so hard at the wall that it shatters, leaving a mark on the plaster work. I grit my teeth to keep my anger in check, but it’s not me I have to worry about. Nix looks like he’s one step away from blowing a gasket.

“Peter Waldgrave just happened. That’s what. He never gave a shit about Sin. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone. Just phone the media and get them to call him. Let everyone see what a fucked up asshole he is. We can throw Sin to the media bastards too. Let them see what she really is.”

Mercier licks his lips. “We calling her Sin now? Suits her.”

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