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Lenient?I didn’t think so. He’d had me bound and spanked regularly throughout the days. It was part of the rush, the reasons being at Barrington was such a thrill. Kade was a different man there and seeing him in his own environment had revealed so many new aspects to his personality. After everything he knew about me, it was refreshing to learn about him as well, but I hadn’t intended to be quite so blunt.

“I didn’t mean to be rude,” I explained in a rush. “I’m sorry, Master. I just meant that we never seem to get much further when we discuss your past.”

“Is that right?” His tone was playful, but the hand gripping my ass suggested penalties to come.

“Yes.” My breathing sped up as I frantically attempted to justify myself. “I want you to be happy, Master. Not haunted by every shadow in the house.”

“I know.” His gaze drilled into me. “That’s because you always want me to talk to somebody else—a professional...” He wrinkled his nose at the thought.

“And that’s not what you want,” I concluded for him.

“Correct,” he replied, patting my rump approvingly. “Before you, I never told anyone, little girl. I’m not comfortable sharing more with a stranger.”

“You didn’t tellanyone?” I could barely believe my ears. “Not even your mother?”

Kade had never mentioned his mother, but surely, she would have noticed how withdrawn and terrified her son had become? Surely, she knew the man she’d married.

People never do, do they?I inhaled at the knowing voice in my head.They make excuses for people. It happens all the time.

“No,” he confirmed, his stare glassy as he contemplated his past. “My father made it clear that no one would believe me and the repercussions for blabbing would be severe.”

“Oh God,” I replied, pushing the snide commentary aside. “That’s awful, Master.” His father sounded like a monster. No wonder Kade had turned out the way he had.

“I understand if you don’t want to reach out to a professional.” Stroking his shoulder, I coaxed his attention back to me. “But I’d really like it if you’d talk to me.” Apprehension knotted in my belly as he met my eyes, the tangible sense that I had no idea how he’d react taunting me. Would he take umbrage with my plea and punish me, or would he—as I hoped—see it for the genuine concern that it was? If we were to have happiness in the future, we had to release our pasts.

“You would, huh?” His reply gave little away, although the way he caressed my backside went some way to relieve my burgeoning anxiety.

“Y-Yes…” Calming my breathing, I tried to read his expression. “To help you, Master. Well, to help us.”

“To help us?” Pressing into my ass, his hand guided me around the arm of his chair to his knees and for one heart-stopping moment I thought he was going to push me down over his lap. “How so, little girl?”

“Becausewe’rehappy if you’re happy.”

My heart was pounding out of control as he tugged me onto his lap. Straddling his muscular form, my legs settled on the edge of his seat. I didn’t have any underwear on and now only my sheer blouse offered me any modesty.

“That’s true.” Smirking, his hands rose to the bottom button of the blouse. I watched in slow motion as he unfastened it before moving to the next. “So, you’re offering to be my therapist of sorts?”

“I-I suppose so, Master.” It was difficult to think clearly as he stripped me, the devils dancing in his eyes confirming he already had other things on his mind. “I just want to help, to be someone you can confide in.”

“Youarethat person.” Fingers pausing at the top button, his gaze seared into me. “I have told you everything.”

“I know.” I gulped, unable to manage the intensity of his stare. “I appreciate that. I just mean that—”

“You just need to stop talking,” he interjected as he flung my blouse open to reveal my beading nipples. “And pay attention to your master’s needs.”


I wasn’t sure how, but Kade had played his usual trick and managed to morph my serious concern into something dark and sinful. Staring into his eyes, it was obvious it wasn’t conversation he had on his mind, and the worst of it was that the arousal flooding at my core persuaded me I was inclined to agree.

“Good, little girl.” Yanking the blouse back, he trapped my arms in the fabric before his hands shifted to my exposed breasts. Cradling their weight, he caressed my skin, inching in toward my desperate nipples. “I’ll take on board your request and will think about it, but in the meantime, you’re mine.”

I groaned as his mouth closed around my left nipple, suckling on my vulnerable teat until I was ready to beg for more. As though he could read my thoughts, one hand rose to the other breast, tugging my tight bud until I called out.

“Oh God, Master!”

“I know,” he murmured as he came up for air. “I bet you’re as wet as I am hard.” The hand at my ass shifted, stroking my pussy to discover the truth for himself. “See.” Triumph radiated in his voice. “Fucking soaking.”

“Master.” I had no defense for my body’s responses, no answer except my unmitigated desire for him.
