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The weight of the paddle ended her sentence, drowning out her words and morphing them into an agonized cry.

“Name the count,” I reminded her, brushing the paddle up the length of her leg as she grappled with the intensity.

“Seven, Master.”

“And?” I prompted, getting tired of having to remind her of the basics.

“Thank you, Master.”

I’d pushed Tiffany to her limits on numerous occasions but had rarely seen her so close to the edge. If I’d allowed her the option to tap out, I had no doubt she’d be pleading to take it—but there was no safeword in our relationship. Tiffany was mine, and I would drive her straight to the brink before hauling her back into my arms.

“One more.”

It was supposed to be a reassuring prompt, but the anguished sob that left her throat suggested otherwise.

“Your ass is a fabulous color, little girl.”

I ran my palm over her punished cheeks, enjoying her wince. My tightening balls ordered that I abandon the plan and simply lunge my dick into her wet folds, but I resisted. Tiffany’s punishment had to be finished properly. It was important for us both.

Blowing out a breath, I brought the paddle crashing down for the final time, dropping it to the carpet below as she screamed for relief.

“Thank you, Master,” she hissed. “That was eight.”

“Good girl,” I enthused, folding myself over her body and nuzzling her neck.

“Ow!” she mewled as the front of my pants brushed over her sore behind. “Ow, ow, ow!”

“Shhh,” I soothed. “Your Master’s going to make it all better.”

“Master.” I sensed the moment she stopped struggling, her face turning toward me and one of her hands rising to grasp my hair as I kissed her sensitive skin.

“I know,” I cajoled, twisting to see her tear-stained face. “It’s over, little girl.”

“I didn’t mean to let you down.” Watery blue eyes met mine, torn between the obvious pain of her penance and the emotion that surged for me.

“You didn’t,” I reassured. “You merely overstepped the line, but it’s okay—I was here to chastise you, wasn’t I?”

“Yes.” Her lips curled as she acknowledged the truth of my words.

“I’ll always be here.” Kissing the side of her face I rose, easing her up from her place over my desk. Snaking my arms around her waist, I drew her against me, holding her close as I continued. “To punish and please you.”

Drawing in a deep breath, she nodded. “Thank you, Master.”

“See how your submission affects me?” I goaded, guiding one of her tiny hands to my rock-hard cock.

“Master.” Chuckling, she turned in my arms. “I want you, too.”

“And you shall have me,” I promised her. “Just as soon as you’ve touched the sky.”

Chapter Nine


Sipping my coffee, I glanced out at the leaden sky. The recent deluge had left the streets soaked, but the heavens still seemed heavy with rain.

“Can I get you anything else?” The young server interrupted my thoughts, his eager expression conveying how badly he needed my tip.

“Not at the moment, thanks,” I replied as sweetly as I could muster. “I’ll let you know.”
