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“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked, scanning the ground for anywhere safe I could step that wouldn’t involve walking on broken glass. “What happened to her, Master? She was fine when I left. You said you wanted to talk.” Scanning the room, my gaze landed on the discarded syringe left on the coffee table. I didn’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out the rest. “You drugged her.” Disdain echoed in my voice. “Why?”

“I told you to watch your tone.” Spinning to face me, his face was like thunder.

“That’s hardly the issue here, is it, Master?” Fury furled in my chest, that old familiar foe that had taunted me in the past when Kade had made unilateral choices without my involvement. “Why did you drug her?”

“It’s always the issue.” Closing the distance between us, he towered over me in a heartbeat, his shoes crushing the shards of glass on the ground. “Your obedience and respect are pivotal.”

Gripping the blanket tighter around me, I blew out a breath.

“And the detective?” I couldn’t help my sardonic tone, but what did he bloody expect? One moment he asked me to get her a drink, and the next, he’d knocked her unconscious.

“You distracted me so you could drug her.”

“Yes.” As suspected, he was unapologetic. “I knew you wouldn’t concur with the plan, so I just—”

“You just went right ahead and did it, anyway.” It was the damnedest thing, but despite his strength, his height and his proven track record of violence, there wasn’t a single flicker of fear in me as I interrupted him. I knew him better than anybody. I was the woman he loved, and despite his petulant show of authority, there was no doubt in my mind—hedidlove me. Kade couldn’t frighten me anymore. He’d taken me to the limit of my fear too many times. Now, all I saw standing before me was the small, petrified boy who sometimes still roamed the halls of the house, the one I needed to heal in order to move forward.

“Tiffany,” he growled, his gray eyes drilling into me. “Don’t push your luck.”

“Master.” My tone was hard as I reached for his jaw and caressed the soft stubble there. “Either my luck ran out the day you ensconced yourself in my house, or I’m the luckiest woman in the world, but either way, it’s not running out today.”

A gleam of amusement flashed in his gaze, and he shook his head as he leaned into my hand. “When did you get so smart, little girl?”

“I’ve always been smart, Master,” I reminded him. “You just liked to see me as a dumb fuck toy, but I’m not. Never have been and never will be.”

“I wouldn’t have fallen for a dumb fuck toy the way I’ve fallen for you.” Kissing my fingertips, his lips curled.

“I guess not,” I replied, trying not to think of the countless other women he’d attacked and discarded—the ones he hadn’t fallen for.

“We need to clean this up.” Motioning to the ground, he swept me into his arms before I could answer. “It’s not safe for you to walk around.”

“But, Master,” I complained as he hoisted me higher and placed me on the other sofa. “What about Lucas?”

“She’ll be fine,” he replied without so much as glancing back at the unconscious detective. “I didn’t give her much.”

“She’s flat on her face,” I argued. “Probably not the best position for her airway?” Pausing, I waited for him to register the logic of my case. Processing my point, he duly turned back to look at her.

“Okay, fine.” He sighed, striding to where she was strewn. Rolling her onto one side, he balanced her body across the seats before rising to his full height. “Better?”

“Can you remove her binds, Master?”

“Why?” He glared at me as though I was insane. “You wouldn’t make a good captor, little girl.”

He had a fair point.

“I just think that the sedative is strong enough to do the job.” I shrugged. “That’s all.”

“I’ll l loosen them,” he growled as he turned and created slack in the ropes.

“Thank you, Master.” At least she wouldn’t choke on her own vomit in the new position.

“Now, wait.” He pointed to me as if I were a dog, a gesture that would have been gloriously erotic had it not been for the comatose woman opposite. “I’ll be back with the dustpan and brush.”

A man on a mission, he stalked away, leaving me and Lucas alone in the room. I considered creeping from my place and checking on her but could see the rise and fall of her chest from where I stood. Glancing to the syringe, I wondered what he’d pumped her full off, but knew if it was the same sedative he’d given me the night he brought me to Barrington, Lucas would be out for the count for hours to come.

“Did you move?” His brow rose as he stood in the doorway.

“No, Master.”
