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Ditching the idea of taking her unaware, I sent my taunting tone resounding through the dark space. Reaching around the door, I felt for the light switch, casting bright illumination around the space.

“I know you’re in there, Detective.” I laughed, easing into my natural predatory role. “I only want to talk.”

“I’ve learned all I need to know about your desire to talk.” Her voice echoed from behind the door, giving away her hiding place. “I figure now’s the time for action.”

I couldn’t have put it any better myself.

“Agreed.” Inching forward, I grasped the door handle. “Come out and let’s get on with it.”

“Is that what we’re going to do?” Her droll chuckle surprised me. After capturing her once, I would have anticipated at least a flicker of fear. “I’d better come out then.” She appeared in a heartbeat, glaring at me as she pushed into my space. “Just as well I came prepared.”

Glancing down, I registered the yellow device in her hands, although I didn’t immediately understand what it was.

“It’s time you had a lie down, Walker.”

Realizing too late what weapon she clutched, I reached for my gun, but the move was futile. A shooting, excruciating pain landed where the taser hit and stunned, I fell to the ground. Every muscle of my body contracted, spiraling my senses into panic. I tried to open my mouth and scream, but couldn’t muster the sound, the feeling of stinging animals crawling under my skin consuming all my effort and attention.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. It hurt like hell!

“There!” From some distant place her triumphant tone reverberated. “How do you like that? It’s about time you knew what it was like to be the victim.”

I’m not a victim.

The answer played out in my head as the aftermath of the electricity ricocheted. The intensity of the blast was over, but my limbs were heavy, and I couldn’t contemplate climbing to my feet.

The gun, I reminded myself. If I could just reach my pocket for my gun, I could put an end to all of this. Sure, I liked to relish the minute details of the end, but it didn’t matter. This was about self-defense, and Lucas had broken in. I was well within my rights to put a bullet in her.

“I’m going to need a little time with your girlfriend,” she sneered and opening my eyes I realized she loomed above me. “So that means you need to have a little sleep.”

Groaning, I moved my arm in an attempt to reach the right pocket, but Lucas was one step ahead of me.

“What are you doing, pretty boy?” Kicking my hand away, she pointed the taser at my head as she lowered to search me. “Got something in there, have we?”

“Fuck you.”

I wasn’t sure if I said the words out loud. All I knew was they were the only protest I was capable of as she rolled me over and rummaged through my pocket.

“What’s this?” Pulling my gun free, she dangled it above my head. “I hope you have a license for this, Mr. Walker.” Her snigger echoed around me. “Never mind, we’ll worry about that later.”

Turning, she slid the weapon across the hall, its hasty pursuit aided by my beautiful wood flooring. I watched helplessly as it slipped out of my grasp. The sound of her laughter bounced off the walls long after she’d left me sprawled there. The gun might only have been a few meters away, but in my current predicament, it might as well have been a hundred miles. I ached to crawl to it, turn and take out the woman who’d caused such catastrophe, but even lifting my hand seemed an incredible effort.

“Now, let’s give you something else to think about, shall we?”

Wincing, I rolled in the direction of her voice, noticing my crystal decanter in her hands. “Wh-What are you doing?” I gasped, willing myself to sit upright and take it from her.

“I already told you.” Lucas had the audacity to wink at me as she held the crystal over my head. “Giving you a little sleeping time.”

“No.” Lifting my arm to defend myself, I mewled as I saw the expensive glassware headed straight for me. The last thing I registered before the lights went out was what a mess it was going to make if it shattered.

Chapter Twenty-One


The enormous plastic ball muffled my screams as my body stiffened for the latest impending pleasure. It was my seventh orgasm, and as good as that sounded on paper, the reality was much harder to endure. If it was true that you could be killed with kindness, perhaps that was what Kade was doing to me, although he had a proven track record in this area and reveled in the chance to leave me coming over and over.

But this is different, my brain warned me as I heaved in ribbons of air through my nostrils.This isn’t a kinky game.He’s going to kill Lucas. You have to get free!

Instructing my limbs to relax as much as the evil pulsating plastic allowed, I focused my energy on the loops at my wrists. The left bind wasn’t as tight as the right, and if I clenched my fist and wiggled, I could almost snake it from the fetters.
