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Ignoring the surge of nausea that swelled in my tummy, I ended the call on autopilot. I didn’t know if the operator had garnered enough information to track us down or if Kade’s phone could even be used that way. He was a master at anonymity and the thought occurred that it might not be possible for the emergency services to find us. We could be on our own.

“Give it to me.” Her voice resonated from behind me.

With a trembling hand, I lifted Kade’s phone toward it, tensing as she snatched it away.

“What have you done to him?”

Anxiety melted to anger—a familiar rage that bubbled as I processed the reality of the evening. Lucas had thought that she had the right to come in here and do this. She was supposed to be a police officer—a woman of the law. If she’d had genuine concerns about my wellbeing, she could have sent a team of officers to check in on me. She should have known better, should have done better.

“He’s fine,” she spat as a sudden noise drew my focus from his sleeping form.

Ignoring the gun still pressed to my head, I turned to see his phone thrown to the ground, her boot crushing the screen under her weight.

“What are you doing?” I demanded, surrendering to the growing fury. “I guess we can add criminal damage to the breaking and entering and assault charges, huh?”

“Did you know he had a gun?” Removing the weapon, she took a step back and allowed me to rise to my feet.

What, wait—that was Kade’s gun?

“Your expression says no.” She had the audacity to laugh as she pointed it at me.

“If it’s his gun, then why is it in your hands?” Gaze narrowing, I met her stare. Lucas didn’t frighten me. I had dealt with much bigger devils than her, and frankly, she looked more out of her depth than I felt.


“As a prosecutor, let me give you some advice.” My brow rose as I stepped away from Kade’s body. “You’re going to need a better explanation than that.”

“Why are you still protecting him?” she hissed.

“Why are you so obsessed with him?” I barked back. “You have no real reason to be here.”

“He drugged me!” she countered, as if that justified pulling a deadly weapon on me.

“He’s an asshole sometimes. Never said he wasn’t, and I certainly don’t always agree with his approach, but that doesn’t answer my question.”

Brow furrowing, she lowered the weapon to my feet. “I think he’s responsible for more than only your abduction.” She met my eyes. “I came looking for evidence.” A poor excuse by anyone’s standards.

“We both know that you need a warrant to find evidence.” She was a D.S., for God’s sake, not a rookie Constable. Lucas already knew that. “Anything you find here wouldn’t be admissible.”

“Fuck.” Her expression crumpled, regret flashing in her eyes, and for the first time, a pang of sympathy swelled for her. “What have I done?”

“Look, I get it.” I shrugged. “You’re only trying to do your job.”

“Yeah, but you’re right.” She sounded hysterical—not a reassuring thought when she was holding the gun. “I’ve really fucked up.”

“Come on.” Moving to her, I patted her on the shoulder, deciding to handle this in the most British way I could think of. “Why don’t we go and put the kettle on?”

Chapter Twenty-Two


Everything was unravelling around me, and the worst of it all was, it was all down to me.

“You look pale.”

Glancing up at her, I watched her pouring the tea from the pot into two cups.

“Are you okay?”
