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I’d come looking for something—something important. It must have been significant to have drawn me away from Tiffany’s scintillating submission, so what was it?

The Detective.

The answer detonated in my mind like a hammer to a landmine. Of course, how could I have forgotten? The lovely Detective Lucas had visited and brought with her a whole host of problems. She was the reason I’d come back. I’d intended to kill her, but something had gone wrong. Pulse quickening, I recalled the agonizing pain of the taser she’d shot me with and how I’d fallen to the ground, unable to defend myself.

“Bitch!” I muttered into my chest. It wasn’t the first time she’d caused me harm, but it would be the last. My original mission still stood. The detective needed to be erased.

Pulling in a breath, I considered my options. I had no idea where Lucas had gone, but I did know that my little girl was still strapped in the monochrome room at the mercy of the vibrator. It was a bloody alluring thought, but I had to be reasonable. I didn’t know how long I’d been out for the count. She could be unconscious herself at this point. Determined to do the right thing for once, I stumbled toward the playroom, trying to compose myself. The clanging headache persuaded me that Lucas had whacked me with something heavy. She could be miles away by now. It wasn’t a reassuring idea. My plan to dispose of her had backfired, and I’d have to manage the consequences.

I was halfway up the next corridor when the sound of voices reached my ears. Two female voices. Halting, I strained to hear more, aware that one of them belonged to Tiffany.

Oh God.

Loathing the dread that rose at the notion of Tiffany being in trouble, I pushed my fear away, but my resolve couldn’t alter the facts. If Lucas had found her and taken her from the playroom, she could do anything to her. Lucas was armed, and my gun was missing. Inching closer to the kitchen where the conversation seemed to be coming from, I held my breath, listening more closely.

“Are you planning to leave?”

That was my little girl’s voice, and she didn’t sound as if she was under duress—God knew I’d heard the sweet resonance often enough to know.

“On walking away from us and not looking back? Or…” There was a pause where I couldn’t pull in another breath. “Are you planning on taking whatever you think you’ve learned back to your superiors?”

Wow, that was a bold question, but then why was I shocked? Tiffany was an excellent lawyer. I had witnessed her in action myself.

“I can’t just sit on what I know, Tiffany.” Lucas’s voice was full of disdain. “Can’t ignore what I know to be true.”

“And what’s that?” Tiffany asked. “We’ve already established that you have no evidence against him.”

My ears pricked up at the use of the pronoun. My ego would have preferred that she refer to me as her master, but I discarded the irrelevant thought. What mattered was her safety—both of our safety. My ego would have to wait.

“I have the fact that he bound and drugged me.” Lucas’ voice was impassioned.

“And the fact that you entered his property without permission.” Tiffany sounded wonderfully calm, every inch the professional I’d seen in court. “And your recent assault of him.”

“Hehad a gun!” Lucas hissed, obviously prepared to paint me as the villain to suit herself.

Naturally, I was under no illusions about who I was, but then this time, I wasn’t the one who’d broken into someone else’s house.

“He pulled the gun on you?” Tiffany’s tone was thoughtful, the lengthy pause that followed tightening the knot of apprehension in my stomach.

Edging closer to the kitchen, I waited for Lucas’ response, the pain in my head burgeoning until I wanted to throw up.

“No,” she admitted eventually. “It was on his person when he came looking for me.”

Blowing out a breath, I rested the back of my head against the wall as the discussion continued.

“You can see my point then? The best you have, Detective, is an impasse—your word against his and not much else.”

A trace of righteousness echoed in Tiffany’s voice. Normally, I’d have spanked it out of her, but I’d never been more pleased to hear it.

“What about your word?” Lucas droned on. “You know the things he’s done… what he’s capable of?”

The nervous energy inside me knotted tighter. My little girl knew all those things, but as far as I knew, Lucas knew none of them—aside from the alleged crimes committed at Pennsylvania Avenue.

“I’m in love with him.”

I couldn’t help but smile at Tiffany’s confession.

“I’ve never pressed charges and you’ll never convince me to speak for the prosecution.”
