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“But that’s not how it works in the real world.” She shook her head sadly. “Out there we’re all accountable for what we do, and it’s n—”

“But you’re not out there,” I interrupted, pinioning her with the intensity of my stare. “This isn’t thereal world, it’s ours. Lucas came into our home, tried to hurt me, and she paid the price. End of discussion.”

“You make it sound simple, Master.” Her brows knitted. “You always do.”

“I just don’t overcomplicate things the way you like to.” Smiling, I ran my finger along her blushing cheek.

“I’ll have to give up work.” She almost choked on the words. “I’ll let Julia know on Monday.”

“What?” I gasped. “Why? You just started your new role.”

“I can’t work for the prosecution, knowing what I’ve done.” Her eyes widened to reinforce her point. “You can see the sheer hypocrisy of that, can’t you?”

“Listen.” My hand shifted to her hair, fisting her mane firmly. “You are damn good at your job, little girl.”

“I know,” she started. “But—”

“But nothing. You love what you do, and it took us weeks to negotiate a routine we were both happy with. I’m not going to let you throw that away because of the misplaced guilt you feel about Lucas.”

“It’s hardly misplaced, Master,” she complained. “The woman’s dead, and I killed her. Someone should pay for that.Ishould pay!”

“If you need to pay, thenI’llbe the one delivering the penance.” Arching my brow at her, I watched as she registered my inference, the gorgeous blush on her cheeks deepening.

“Master.” Catching her lower lip between her white teeth, she tried to shake her head, but my fist held her in place. “Not everything is about sex.”

“It can be.” Chuckling, I brushed my mouth over hers. “If I say it is.”

Gaze lowering, she pulled in a deep breath.

“All I’m saying is, if you have a nagging need for penitence, I can help you with that, little girl. I’m much more thorough than the authorities.”

“Yes, Master.” Her attention flitted back to my face. “I know.”

“Exactly.” Grinning, I lowered my face to her neck and nuzzled her alluring soft skin. “We can work out a schedule where you pay for your sins. Perhaps a hard spanking before work? That means you’ll still be free to be punished for any misdemeanors at the end of the day as well.”

“I won’t be able to sit down at all at this rate,” she protested, although the gleam in her eyes told me she was only playing.

“And therein lies the penance,” I breathed. “Every time your ass aches, your conscience will be assuaged.”

“Master.” Laughing gently, she sighed. “I’m not sure even your punishments can make up for what I did.”

“You, of all people, should know not to doubt my punishments.”

Leaning closer, I pressed my mouth to hers, claiming the kiss I had craved for so long. Arousal swelled as our bodies melded, my desire awakening after all the recent disturbance.

“I don’t doubt you, Master,” she replied breathlessly. “Only my ability to forgive myself.”

“We shall both work on forgiveness,” I promised, turning her against the counter and hoisting her onto the hard surface. “In time, we’ll reconcile the things we’ve done.”

“I hope so.” Large blue eyes met mine, her legs parting around me as I pulled her flush against me.

“I know so.” Heat contracted in my core, urging me to rip her baggy shirt away and devour her again. “Have I told you how much I fucking love you?”

“Yes, Master.” Tiffany’s lips curled. “Once upon a time, I thought the worst thing that could happen would be to end up alone, but I realized that I was wrong.”

“I don’t know,” I murmured, helping myself to more of her delectable lips. I had thought to behave myself today, to give her some time to recover before I took what was mine, but she was making it increasingly hard. “You ending up alone doesn’t sound good to me.”

“That’s the point.” Chuckling, she sighed contentedly as I pressed hot kisses on her collarbone. “I’ve learned that the worst thing would be to end up with someone who made me feel alone, but that’s not you, Master.”
