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“Chef Cheval is a genius, but I don’t think I could eat another bite,” she protested, as a delicate chocolate basket filled with white chocolate mousse and a single raspberry was placed before her. As with each course, the gorgeous plating made the food irresistible. How could she resist dessert? “Maybe just a bite.”

Noelle didn’t notice Christian’s intense regard until she’d scraped the plate clean and set her spoon aside. She cocked her head at him but had no opportunity to ask why he was staring. A short, round man in chef’s whites entered the room, his toque set at a jaunty angle.

“Prince Christian!” the man exclaimed in a deep baritone. “How wonderful to have you back.”

“Chef Cheval.” Christian gestured in Noelle’s direction. “This is Noelle Dubone.”

“Chef, this was the most amazing meal I’ve ever had. Thank you.”

The chef bowed to her. “I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Prince Christian said I must prepare only the best for you.”

“He did?” She shot Christian a wry look, wondering how many other women had been given such royal treatment. “Well, you’ve both made my visit to Bracci memorable.”

“You will come back? I appreciate a woman who likes to eat.”

Noelle laughed. “Of course,” she said, growing more and more accustomed to the idea of becoming a permanent fixture in Christian’s life. “I appreciate a man who cooks with your flair.”

“Well, good.” The chef gave Christian an audacious wink before taking his leave.

The servers cleared the dessert plates and topped off both water and wineglasses before taking their leave. Noelle swirled her wine, soothed by the excellent food, the early fall scents and the distant sound of children at play. Relaxed to the point of sleepiness, she wondered if there might be time for a nap when they returned to Christian’s castle.

“Did you mean what you said about coming back?” Christian’s abrupt question cut through her lethargy.

“I did.” She stumbled a little over the words, wondering why he’d grown so serious. “Why?”

“I didn’t want to pressure you this weekend by talking about the future, but after last night, I think I have a right to ask about your intentions.”

“My intentions?” Noelle wondered when the world had turned upside down. “Since when does a man ask a woman about her intentions regarding their relationship?”

“Since the man has stated his desire to marry the woman, and she comes to his room with seduction on her mind and leaves the man feeling as if he’s been nothing more than her plaything.”

Noelle pressed her lips together to hide a smile, but couldn’t stop her eyes from dancing. Christian growled at her in mock severity.

She replied with an equally insincere apology. “I didn’t mean to take you or your body for granted. As for my intentions, I plan to continue as I did last evening, exploring our mutual chemistry and seeing where things lead.”

To her surprise Christian sat back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Not good enough.”


“I’m serious about you. This isn’t going to be a casual affair where we play it by ear or take it one day at a time.”

“Because your family is pressuring you to marry and produce an heir who can rule one day.” Noelle tensed at the unwelcome reminder of why she and Marc were here this weekend. “I’m not going to decide the rest of my life or Marc’s in a few short days no matter how wonderful they’ve been. I need time to decide what’s right for him.”

“And you’re not yet sure I am?”

“It’s not about you. It’s the responsibility he’ll face one day. You once told me how Gabriel changed when he realized he was destined to be king. I don’t know if I want that for Marc.”

Christian reached across the table and took her hand in his. “With my father in perfect health and Gabriel so young, Marc will be more than ready when the time comes for him to rule.”

While Noelle appreciated Christian’s logic, she wasn’t ready to lose her baby to the country of Sherdana. “I just wish he was old enough to help me with this decision.”

“Mama.” Marc skidded through the doorway, flushed and disheveled. “We’re going to stomp grapes. Come on.” Without waiting for her, he ran back out of the room.

Laughing, she got to her feet. “You heard your son,” she said, tugging on Christian’s hand. “Let’s go.”
