Page 51 of Saving Breely

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Moe straightened “Yes, sir.”

“I know we have the right guy on the job. Stay safe and keep Ms. Brantt safe.”

“Yes, sir.” Moe’s hand rested in the middle of Breely’s back. He glanced down at her. “Wanna go for a walk?”

She nodded. “I’d love some fresh air.”

“Are you done with us?” Moe asked everyone in the room.

“For the moment,” Stone replied. “If we need you, we’ll find you.”

Moe led the way out of the loft and down the stairs. “Woods or street?”

“I’d like to see a little bit of West Yellowstone before dark.”

Moe glanced at the sun slowly sinking into the mountain peaks. “Streets, it is. Stay close to me. If bullets fly, I want you on the ground first. We’ll figure out how to get away after that.”

“Way to take the fun out of a walk,” she grumbled.

He grinned. “I’d rather have you aware and alive, than have you die in ignorant bliss.”

“There you go, spreading more happiness.” Breely stopped in the barnyard “Keep it up, and I’ll go for that walk on my own.” She stretched her arms over her head, trying to work the kinks of stress out of her shoulders, but that wasn’t happening until they found the people responsible for the attempted kidnapping.

She hoped they found the guys before they found her again. In the meantime, she would be jumpy when she thought a shadow had moved. Her heart would race when she imagined seeing someone darting through the woods behind the lodge.

Thankfully, she had Moe looking out for her. She liked that. A lot. Too bad she was just an assignment to him. What would happen when they found the guys? The risk would be eliminated. She might not need a bodyguard anymore. Moe would move on to his next assignment.

Her heart hurt at the thought of losing him. So, she’d stop thinking about losing him and live in the moment.

Chapter 11

Moe walked with Breely along the touristy streets of West Yellowstone, ducking into souvenir shops, stopping to get ice cream at a specialty ice cream shop and pretending they were just another couple on vacation.

But they weren’t.

Moe kept a constant vigilance from all angles around them. He was relieved when she decided they should head back to the lodge.

The lodge didn’t boast tight security, but there were a number of his counterparts still staying there. If he needed help, all he had to do was shout, and someone would come running.

Though it wasn’t very late, Breely was tired from all the drama and stress of the past thirty hours.

They wandered through the kitchen to fill a couple of glasses with water and carried them to their rooms.

Moe entered through her door, quickly inspected the space and declared it clear. When he started to go into his room, she snagged his arm. “Where are you going?” she asked.

“To my room,” he said.

She stared up into his eyes. “Do you want to go to your room?”

He shook his head. “But I don’t presume to know what you want.”

“I want you.” She smiled and tugged the hem of his T-shirt out of the waistband of his jeans. “Please. Stay with me.”

And he did.

That night.

All the next day.
