Page 122 of The Rook

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As the security guard grabbed me, Westin immediately placed a hand on his wrist, twisting his arm back. The guard yelped and Westin delivered an elbow to his face. Cold steel pressed to the back of my neck as another guard came at us more prepared

Igno tsked. "You don’t make a very good bodyguard. I’d hate to hurt such a pretty girl.”

Westin's eyes flicked to mine, an apology and more swirling in their depths. He immediately released the other guard and put his hands up. "Fine, we're moving."

As I rapidly blinked back tears, I turned to the man I now hated more than my own father. "I hate you. I'll make you pay."

"I’ve heard it all before, love." Antonio stroked my arm, and Westin lunged forward. The click of the safety releasing had Westin freezing in his tracks.

"Stop, stop!” I cried. “All of you stop this. We're going. We'll do what you ask. Just don't hurt him, please."



Arsehole: Are we a go?

I had missed my check-in time, and now Gabe was trying to figure out what the hell was happening. It had been a long damn day. Twelve hours we’d been locked in with not a word from Julian or Igno.

Thankfully, I could access my messages and the cameras from my watch even though they’d taken my phone. Luckily those twats wouldn’t be able to read my messages.

I glanced over at Nissa, who had finally fallen asleep after being a knot of tension all damn day. I jotted a quick note letting her know I was trying to find a way out through the secret passages and not to move.

I hated to leave her, but I had a mission to complete, and this was the only opportunity I was going to get.

How do you think she's going to feel if she wakes up and you're gone?

She would worry.

My gut twisted thinking about it, but this was the only way I was going to be able to keep her safe from her father and Igno.

That is the last time you'll touch her.

I hated to think about it, but it was the truth. Even if she didn’t wake up while I was gone, I would have to explain that Gabe wasn't my cousin. Saint and King weren't just my mates. The problem was there was no way on earth she was going to understand. She would feel hurt, betrayed even.

If you pull this off, she'll be hurt... but at least she’ll be alive.

I dragged down my boxers and pulled off my shirt. Our bags had been searched and brought back to the room before we’d been shoved in here. Luckily, I hadn't been hiding anything in the bags. I threw on my cargoes and my long-sleeved black shirt, slipped into the corridor behind the panel, and then hustled down the hall, making a right to the stairs where I retrieved my kit that I’d stored the last time I was here with everything I needed in it. I grabbed the flashlight then bent down and grabbed the rest of my gear. Night vision goggles. Check. Ultrathin vest. Check. And most importantly, my weapons. A switchblade, my Taser, and an ankle holster and my gun.

Once I was armed, I headed downstairs to the study. I needed to confirm the ledger wasn't in that safe. Had he already retrieved it for Igno? I didn't think so. Igno had been a complete arsehole this morning, determined to torture everyone there.

I had very little time, and I needed to get my team ready. Even though Nissa had complicated feelings about her father, she still cared about him enough to not want him to die.

I knew she was worried. I knew she didn't want any of this. And I didn't know how to fix it for her.

Do your job. Worry about this later.

I continued down the stairs, my weapon up, I followed the path down to the study, checking the map on my watch, making a right at the end of the hall, and then pausing. Inside the study, I peered through the night vision lenses and saw nothing. It was completely black in the room. I had no way of knowing if Igno had placed cameras in here or if he was aware of what was going on in the house at all. I could only pray that he wasn't.

I moved quickly and efficiently. Behind the desk, I moved the massive Rembrandt aside and placed the decoder I'd programmed myself next to the number pad. I kept my eyes on the door while I waited for the safe to unlock.

Since this required quiet work, I had my Taser at the ready. Probably should have had my gun instead, but I didn't know who would be walking through that door. The decoder beeped at me, and the lights all turned green. I removed it, pocketed it, and swung the safe open. Papers, files, money, a couple of passports, but that was it. Fuck. No ledger, which meant it was likely in his office, clear across the house.

I took the passports and put everything else back right where it was. I shoved the passports into my pack so that there would be no escape for Montgomery. He might not be the primary, but he’d mentally tortured Nissa by not letting her know about her sister. He'd hurt her in ways she didn't even know about yet. He wasn't escaping if I had a way to stop him.

Once the painting was back in place, I made my way across the room and slid into the secret hallway. I started running, hitting a right, another right then a short left. Once I reached the door to the office I sent a coded text to the team. Weapon at the ready, I pressed the panel, grateful it didn’t make a sound.

I paused when I saw a short shadowy figure standing in front of the safe with a light illuminating the contents, allowing them to retrieve a folder with ease.
