Page 126 of The Rook

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King laughed. "Well, I'm actually into Black women with really fine asses, so you don't exactly fit the bill, but I could try anything once."

Over the comm unit, Saff's voice was chiding. "You idiots are on an open line, for fuck's sake."

I smiled when I heard her voice. "Ah, an angel, at last. Why aren't you out here saving my arse? I think you’d have a better bedside manner."

"Someone has to make sure shit gets done. All agents, roll call to egress."

As we all sounded off to make sure we had everyone, I heard gunshots to the west. I glanced over, worried about Nissa. "Does anyone have eyes on Nissa?"

My teammates all replied negatively. A flash of movement had Gabe turning toward the east, and he fired his tranq.

The person went down quick, and he frowned. "They were in tech gear."

We hustled to the far garden. There was a cart waiting that would take us to the servant's exit from the property. I lolled my head back and called out, "To your north."

Gabe whirled, aimed again, and fired. Another man in tech gear.

Saint said, "Those aren't Igno's men. Montgomery's either. That's another party."

Gabe cursed under his breath. "For fuck's sake, why are things so goddamn complicated?"

When the lads had me loaded on the cart, everyone climbed on and Tabatha sprinted to the grass with the speed of a cheetah, lunged on to the back, her foot on the platform that was probably used for golf clubs or some such shit, and hung on for dear life. "I've got the cipher. I tried to find the secondary target, but she's not there."

I winced. "I don't know where she is. Everything went hazy after she shot me."

I could almost hear Tabatha's low growl. "I can’t believe she shot you."

I winced. "Well, to be fair, I deserved it. She understands who I am now."

"Ugh, for fuck's sake, you shagged her? Can any of you lot go on a goddamn mission without shagging someone? I go on missions all the time. I shag no one."

The whole cart went silent. The lot of us were basically waiting for Tabs and Gabe to fuck like bunnies. But Gabe was very much all about the rules, and he would never go there with Tabatha. Eventually, Tabatha was going to replace his arse. But still, he made not a single move. All I knew was that it wasn't going to be pretty when she finally got tired of waiting for him.

As we drove out, I heard more gunshots toward the east, and then Saff cursed on the line. "Motherfucker. I see secondary on the cameras."

Gabe cursed under his breath. "What's happening?"

"Our friends in the tech gear, they've just shoved her in a van."

I immediately tried to sit up to get Gabe to turn this cart around and go back for her. She was in trouble. But the edges of my vision faded then turned black. I couldn’t save Nissa.



Westin St. James was a goddamn liar.

As I sat in the back of the van with Amelia, her partner, Nyla Hale, and several other agents, I leaned my head back and willed the tears not to fall. I was not going to cry in front of these people. I was not going to cry period. Not because of him, or the lies he’d told, or what I'd wanted to believe. It was almost easy to believe after last night when he’d looked at me with what could only be described as love.

Fuck him.

God, I hoped he was fucking okay.

Nyla leaned forward. "You did good, Nissa. You did really, really good."

"I don't feel like I did."

I pulled the ledger out from under my shirt and handed it over. "All that trouble for this. And apparently, there's a cipher you need to decode it."
