Page 128 of The Rook

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As much as Nyla and Amelia wanted me to believe that I could just go back to my life, I couldn't. Because now my life would be something completely different. The moment Westin came back, he'd changed me. For better or worse, I was a completely different person. I couldn't go back to the ignorance. I couldn't go back to pretending I was fine, not when I was really searching for something meaningful, for family. I thought I had found it. But clearly, I was wrong. He'd cost me all the family I'd ever known. My sister, my father, and I hoped to God I never saw him again.


I woke up in bed, groggy and tired, with a dull ache in my side.

"How long have I been out?"

“A few hours. The doc said it was through and through."

I nodded and tried to sit up. I winced when steel bit into my wrists. "What the fuck?"

Saint grinned. "Oh, our arsehole leader assumed that you’d try some dumb shit like trying to get up."

"I'm fine. You said it was through and through, right?"

Saint shrugged. "Yeah, mate, but you’ve been shot. So Kaya and Saff made us promise we wouldn't let you die. If you make a liar out of me, my wife will kill me. And I am more afraid of her than I am of you. So do us a favor and stay down."

"That's bullshit."

"You're in no shape to go after her anyway."

While that might be true, he didn't need to say it like that. "I’ve never liked you."

He grinned and gave me his usual cheeky wink. He was back in twenty minutes with our broody leader in tow. Gabe greeted me by saying, "Ah, there's the idiot now. You going to try and get yourself killed again?"

"I need to find her. Whatever Interpol has her messed up in, it’s dangerous."

Gabe sat in front of me. "I'm inclined to agree." He turned his tablet to face me. "But we have a leg up since you got us the cipher for the ledger."

“What about Interpol. Did they get anything?”

Gabe pressed his lips together. “They have the ledger.”

“Fuck me.”

“Maybe when you’re feeling better. Right now, you need to rest up. I have feelers out to Interpol. They have something we want, and we have something they need.”

"Do I sense a team-up in the works?"

Gabe laughed. "It's almost as if you haven't been paying attention at all. While Rogues have the same directives for king and country and all that, we also have different ideas about how that should be done. As well as different ideas about the usefulness of our enemies once we capture them."

"So, in essence, we want to be the ones to capture them, not Interpol."

Gabe nodded. "So, we have a couple of options. Go in, ask them nicely, and retrieve the ledger. In essence… play nice. "

I laughed. "There's no way in hell Nissa’s giving up that ledger. Not if she thinks they can put her father away. Which is all she wants."

Gabe nodded. "Well, I was afraid you were going to say that. The other option is we can go in and take her. And then we'll take the ledger. But it will be a fight."

"You don't honestly mean to go in and take her from Interpol? We would lose men."

"Right. Which is why it's not ideal."

I had a feeling there was going to be a catch and I wasn't going to like it. "Fuck. I just came in from undercover."

"I'm not asking you to go back, I'm merely laying our options before you. We have the cipher, they have the ledger. We’ll work together. But I promise they won't talk to us unless your girlfriend says so. So you're going to have to go and say sorry for whatever you did to tick her off."

That was never going to work. "Fuck that shit. Besides, I don't have a girlfriend."
