Page 30 of The Rook

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As it turned out, Jamila was a traitor if her laughter was any indication. We were headed to our economics exam, and I had just told her about how Westin had caught me trying to sneak out.

The bodyguard in question was about ten feet in front of us.

“Wait, how did he catch you?"

"I don't know. He went to get something in the kitchen. I was dumb enough to think he was actually in the shower. And there I was, caught."

She clutched her side and giggled. "Oh my God, that's just priceless."

"That's not helpful, Jamila."

As we crossed the street, I narrowly missed one of the messenger people in the bike lane. He was the one who almost ran into me, but he had the nerve to curse me out.


Westin glanced back to see if he needed to reassess the threat, but I shook my head, my father’s warning still ringing in my head. My father would kill him if he knew what had happened between us.

It was a long time ago.

It was, and it had no bearing on anything now. Checking to make sure there weren't any cars coming, we moved through the traffic and students heading for class, and I asked Jamila, "Am I going to see you before my International Law Class?"

"Sorry, love, but no. I've got a meeting with Professor Henelle, to make sure we have all the things we need for the research equipment. But I will come by for dinner tonight, and you can finish filling me in."

"I don't know if I will because you clearly are taking his side."

"No, I'm not. I'm always on your side. I just find it hilarious."

"It’s not funny, Jamila."

"I know. He's the worst. We hate him."

I winked at her. "That's more like it."

She laughed. "Next time though, don't get caught."

"It just happened."

"You know, would it be the end of the world if he went with you?" she asked.

"Anywhere I go, he’ll tell my dad about it. I feel like I have a human ankle monitor.”

Jamila clapped her hands. "What you need to do is be the picture of cold disdain. Right now, he's having all the fun. He's enjoying this."

I rolled my eyes. "How can you tell? He never smiles."

"Oh, I get that, but have you seen yourself? You're well fit. And he's a man, presumably straight, although maybe not. If not, you're fucked."

"Thanks for that."

"I mean, if he’s straight, you know what to do. Be the picture of cold disdain, and eventually he'll crack. Or you could do the whole bit where you walk around in a towel and see how that goes. Those are my two best pieces of advice."

"I'm not sure that's actually advice."

"I’m just saying I think you should play along."
