Page 46 of The Rook

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"We will see. No concerts for you. With Jamila gone, we're going to be a lot more security-focused. We were slightly lax with her, but I put some extra men on the elevators, and one downstairs. But now that she's gone and we don't have to deal with the extra security of a person coming back and forth, we'll pull down to me and the driver downstairs, okay?"

I watched him as he was attempting to lay down the new law, and I wondered how on earth I ever thought I could have loved him.

The problem is this version of Westin is very different from the one that you fell in love with.

Wasn't that the truth? There was no hint of the old Westin. He was completely gone. And good thing for me, there was no hint of the old Nissa either, because this version of me knew better. I was never, ever going there with Westin St. James again.


Later that night, I stared at my email.

Due to recent developments, we are saddened to say that we can no longer offer you employment at Quinly Global. We do wish you luck in your search, and we hope at a later date, we'll be able to work together. We find your ideas truly interesting and wish you the best of luck.

My stomach turned. This was the second email like this today.

I didn’t know what was going on, but two companies I'd interviewed with in Toronto had turned me down for jobs. One had offered me a job, the other one had consultant positions wide open. I knew for a fact they were still looking for someone because the job was still open when I looked. So what the hell was going on? Why had they offered me the job then taken it away now?

In the library, I slammed my computer shut and ran my hands through my curls. Westin looked up from his phone. "Everything okay?"

"I'm fine. Let's go."

His brow furrowed while he searched my gaze. "Sure, we can play that game, you're completely fine, nothing is wrong, but I thought we had agreed that we’d reached a truce."

"If you must know, I didn't get the job I applied for."

His brows snapped down. "What?"

"Yeah, second one this week."

His gaze narrowed. "Did they say why?"

"Who knows? They said, ‘due to recent developments,’ and the other one said something about budget concerns. All I know is, I don't yet have a job."

"I'm sure you'll get one soon."

"Yeah, I should get something. But these were great interpreting jobs. One of them with the Canadian government, and one for an international media company. I really wanted that one. Great job, great pay, an opportunity to travel, and…"

He leaned forward. "And what?"

"Freedom. Just a chance to do what I want to do, what feels good for me."

"Toronto, huh?"

I nodded. "That's the plan. There's also Australia, and that feels nice and far away. But maybe a little too far. I don't know. I still want to come back, of course. I have friends here. And obviously, if I can find Lenora, I have family."

"So, you plan to leave?"

"I plan to get as far away from Julian as I possibly can. The farther, the better. Even better if he can't find me."

"How exactly do you plan to do that, Nissa?"

"Well, how did you do it?"

He sat back, put his phone away, and crossed his arms. "We're not doing that."

"What do you mean, we're not doing that?"

"I'm not talking about the years I was gone, Nissa."
