Page 51 of The Rook

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I paused against a pillar by one of the men's bathrooms. When I put Nissa down, I met her gaze. "All right?"

"I looked for Adam and Jamila in the crowd, but I can't find them."

"Four minutes and we’ll be at the car. And so will Adam and Jamila."

"How are you sure? What if something is really wrong?"

"Two seconds, Nissa. Let me focus on getting you out of here safely, and I’ll figure out how to find Adam and Jamila, okay?"

"I can't just leave her. She's my best—"

We were jostled again and then I saw him. A bloke who looked out of place. He was a little too neat. Not quite the concert-goer vibe. He had on the right clothes. Ripped jeans. Concert tee. Average. But there was something about him that was just wrong. He looked staged.

He met my gaze and then immediately started to make his way toward us. Fuck me. Interpol. Gabe had said he would try to hold them off, but if they wanted Nissa, they could attempt to take her. A quick look at my watch gave me the best route. We needed to get back the other way into the crowd.


I reached for her again and she shook her head. "I can walk."

"Nissa, we don't have time to—" Someone bumped me, but it was deliberate because they gave me a kidney shot as they went past. The pain had me hissing, but I stayed on my feet, my body caged around Nissa and the pillar. One look at my face and her brows lifted. "Westin, are you okay?"

I coughed aloud in pain. "Let's go, Nissa."

This time she didn't argue, didn't fight the hold I had on her wrist as I tugged her behind me. One glance over my shoulder told me Mr. All Wrong was following us.

Finally, my comms started to work again. "Rook, where are you?" Saff’s voice came through the comms.

"Section S, making my way back to the car along the south route."

"Roger that, I'm on my way to meet you."

I don't know where she was, but I hoped she was close. As we fought our way through the crowd, Nissa finally gave up and tugged on my hand. "It's too hard to wade our way through."

I nodded and then scooped her against me, lifting her over my shoulder again. I could have sworn I heard a mumble, something along the lines of, 'This is humiliating.'

But it was faster this way. I prayed to God that Adam and Jamila made their way through the crowd too, or Nissa would never forgive me.

When we reached Section Q, I saw Saff through the crowd and I signaled to her that I had a shadow. She nodded and headed for him straight away. But what I didn't account for was the shadow behind Saff.

I had to make it all the way down to Section M, and while the crowd had thinned, I was going to have to put Nissa down. "Sorry Nissa, you have to walk. When I tell you, duck, okay?"

"What do you—"

I didn't have time to argue. There was a woman, a brunette, a little older than the average concert goer, maybe about thirty. Stunning. Leanly built. Her gaze was on Nissa, not on me.

She stepped forward, and I stepped in her path, shaking my head. I frowned as she assessed me.

She pulled her Taser out of nowhere, which I blocked easily, and before I knew it, someone behind me hit me with something hard.

A man. My height. Lean like myself.

I blocked his next shot, gave him an uppercut, and sent him sagging down. Nissa, to my surprise, wasn't screaming, wasn't getting hysterical. Instead, she kicked him. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I couldn't help but grin as I turned back to the woman, whose eyes had widened at Nissa.

Another man tried to grab Nissa, and I blocked the woman's next shot and turned to fight him, but Nissa was already doing my job for me. He had a hand on her wrist, which she stepped into and took her elbow to his elbow, forcing him to release her. And then she gave him a backward hammer fist straight to his nose, which made it crunch.

Blood spattered, and he cursed. He grabbed for her hair, but I was there with a gut punch and then another uppercut. He cursed again as he swiveled out of the way and then Saff… Oh boy, Saff. Before the brunette knew what was happening, Saff had her in a chokehold and knocked the Taser out of her hand.
