Page 56 of The Rook

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He'd assigned another two-man team to accompany her during her classes and had me come here. The good news was I was getting access to the house. The bad news was I didn’t know what the fuck was going on, and I hated surprises.

“I’m here. What do you want?”

"Your attitude needs an adjustment."

"Sorry that I'm not happy to see you. You do recognize that you're forcing me to be here, right?"

He studied me for a long moment. "What's happening with Nissa?"

"Nothing, she's going to school. Zero problems."

You aren’t discussing the whole Interpol trying to get close to her last night situation.

It was a calculated risk not telling him about that, but it was one I had to take. There would be too many questions about why I had that knowledge. Not to mention how much it would spook him.

"You were hired to take care of her."

"And I'm doing my job. So what's the problem?"

He scowled at me. "This. This is my bloody problem." And then he slapped down a stack of papers.

I frowned. "What is that?"

"This is my daughter who thinks she's leaving. She has been fucking going on interviews."

"Not on my watch. She goes to school, and she comes home."

"Phone interviews. You haven't been doing your fucking job."

"My job, as you defined it to me, was to make sure no one hurts her. Not to make her a prisoner. That wasn't our arrangement. If she's been interviewing, it has nothing to do with me."

"Nothing to do with you?" He stepped toward me as if he intended to put his hands on me, which would not end well for him. Good God, would I welcome it.

"What's the problem, Julian?"

"My problem is you. She watched you run and thrive, and she thinks she can do the same. She is not leaving me."

"This sounds like a conversation you need to have with Nissa."

"If I discover that you've been enabling my daughter in any way, shape, or form, I'll kill you. Actually, I'll kill Mrs. Pembry, and then I'll kill you. Do you understand?"

I sighed and then slipped my hands into my pockets. "And that's your favorite threat. Just so you're aware, it's getting old and repetitive." Not that I was going to let him anywhere near Mrs. Pembry. I already had plans for that scenario. If ever he went near her, I had a failsafe in play. I'd rather not employ it if I didn't have to, though.

"What do you want me to do about Nissa?"

"She hasn't been on any in-person interviews?"

"No. Like I said, she goes to class, then comes home. Occasionally, she sees a mate. That’s it."

"Well, you make sure she doesn't. In the meantime, I will deal with my daughter."

"What are you going to do? Because you did hire me to take care of her. Even against you."

He laughed then. "I would never harm my own daughter. Besides, I very much need her alive. But she's not leaving."

My gut knotted. I knew that the one thing Nissa wanted was her freedom. Well, and her sister. And Julian had no intention of ever letting her have either one. Just what was she up to? And how much trouble was she going to get into?

The question is, do you do what Julian suggested and keep her away or do the one thing that you want to do?
