Page 9 of The Rook

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I crossed my arms and prepared to do battle. I had a meeting today, and thanks to him I might miss it, depending on what bullshit this was and how much of my time would be required.

"Theatrics?” I ground my teeth. The longer I argued with him, the longer I would be forced to be here. Better to get this show on the road. "What do you want, Julian?"

His smile was beatific as he glanced up at me. "Did you have a good day yesterday? Everything all right with your flat mate, Jamila?”

Why the hell was he asking about Jamila? He never asked about anyone unless it served his purposes somehow. “She's fine. Why?”

“Things are about to change. Your lovely flat mate will be moving in with her boyfriend, Adam. He just got a bigger flat for less rent in one of my buildings, and he's going to ask her to move in with him.”

“What? Why?”

“Don't bother fighting it, Nissa. It's already a done deal. They discussed the move yesterday, and he's already signed the lease.”

My gut twisted. This was his version of theatrics. The bait and switch. Hoping to get my attention on the smaller thing before he dropped something much larger and more painful in my lap.

My stomach fell. Every time I turned around, he was infiltrating a part of my life.

I still didn't budge though. "Say what you have to say so I can go."

He chuckled. "This is why I know you're the right person to take over for me. It’s why I'm preparing you."

For a year he had been insisting that I needed to take over the family’s ‘property management’ business. What he didn't realize was that I knew who he really was. My father was controlling and not much better than a criminal.

“You know full well that I've already said to stick your offer where the sun doesn't shine.”

"Why must you always do this, Nissa? This could have been so easy. You come over, and we have a pleasant breakfast. It could be a lovely morning between a father and his daughter."

"Yeah, well, most daughters don't have a father who's a criminal and wants them to take over the family business like in some mobster movie. I have no interest in that ever being my life."

He sighed, almost looking regretful. “I’ve had a deal go a little backward. So for the time being, I've determined that you are in need of a bodyguard.”

Was this just another way to control me? I could feel the invisible walls pressing me on all sides. "Do you even hear yourself? Why do I need a bodyguard?"

"Sometimes business can get sticky. Don’t make this a big deal, Nissa. These men are looking for someone to blame for a deal gone wrong, and I'm on that list. So now I need to take precautions."

All I could do was stare and shake my head at him. "What the hell did you do?”

"That's not for you to worry about, Nissa. What you need to be concerned about is your new bodyguard.”

“I don't want this.”

“Well, it's this, or you move back home. Which will it be?”

I clenched my jaw so tight I was worried about my molars. I had no power here. If I wanted some modicum of pretend freedom, there was no way I could say no.

"There are moments when I wish I’d never met you."

That didn’t even phase him. "I know, but deep down inside you still love me. And you know I love you. Whether you believe that or not, you're still getting a bodyguard. I underestimated Antonio Igno. So I want to make sure you're protected."

"Good job looking after me. Exposing me to dangerous men who want to hurt me to get to you."

"I'm trying to take care of you and our future. I will not always be here. This business will accommodate you in the lifestyle to which you've become accustomed. Do you think that there aren't people who know about you? People who will come after you whether I'm dead or alive because they’ll assume you have taken over anyway. I'm trying to teach you to protect yourself."

"I wouldn’t need protection if it wasn't for you."

“I’ve chosen a bodyguard for you. Accept it or move home."

I shook my head. "This is not happening."
