Page 112 of Royal Creed

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“I don’t care about my goddamn legacy!” I interject, spittle forming in the corner of my mouth, rage blinding me to the point I reel back, my fist connecting with his jaw.

Adam doubles over, not immediately moving, my assault momentarily taking him by surprise.

“All my life, that’s all I’ve heard about,” I continue, voice thundering in my tiny apartment. “That this is my legacy. I would have given up everything to be with her. To hell with some family legacy.”

“And what about her?” he shoots back as he straightens, rubbing the side of his face and wiping a few drops of blood from his bottom lip. “Do you really think she’d be allowed to ride off into the sunset with you? Jameson Gates was chosen for her. They’d sooner kill you before letting Esme even consider marrying you. Trust me on that.”

I clench my fists tighter, resisting the temptation to punch him again. Then I spin from him, quickly yanking on my shoes before swiping my keys off the kitchen counter.

“Where are you going?”

“Where do you think?” I bark. “To talk to Esme. To set things straight.”

“It won’t make a difference. It’s too late.”

“No, it’s not. It’s never too late. I can—”

“Jameson’s proposing tonight.”

His words stealing my breath, I skid to an abrupt stop.

“What did you say?” I manage to squeak out as I glance over my shoulder at him.

I don’t want to believe him. Need him to tell me I’d misheard him. That this is just another ploy. Another act of manipulation and betrayal.

His stern expression falls as he steps toward me. “It’s been decided that, based on recent events, an engagement might quiet some of the noise.”

“It’s not true. It can’t be.”

“It is.”

“Then I’ll just make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“And how do you intend to do that? Do you have an invitation to the gala I don’t know about?” He tilts his head, advancing toward me. “Oh, that’s right. You don’t, even though you’re supposed to be close with the Crown Prince. Did you ever wonder why you’re never invited to any of these formal events thrown by the palace?”

I swallow hard, heat washing over my expression.

“Because you’re not one of them, Creed. If you need further proof, there it is. You’ve never been one of them. And the sooner you come to terms with that, the better off you’ll be.”

“You just can’t stand the thought of anyone being happy,” I say through the lump in my throat. “Of me being happy. Can you?”

“That has nothing to do with it. I did this to—”

“Yeah, yeah,” I scoff. “To protect me. But I don’t need your protection, Adam. I’m not a child anymore. I can make my own decisions. So can Esme.”

“And you honestly think she would have chosen you?”

“I hope she would have. But you took that choice away from her. From both of us. Worse, you betrayed both of us. You’re my brother. Someone I’ve always looked up to and admired. And now…” I shake my head, disgust churning my stomach.

Adam’s behavior shouldn’t surprise me. After all, my father put his duty to the crown as the king’s chief protection officer above everything else in his life, including his own family.

I thought Adam was different. Thought he remembered all those times our father made a promise to come to a football game, a swim meet, or recital, only to look into the crowd and not see his face.

Thought he didn’t want the same thing for Rory and him.

Thought he was better than this.

I was wrong.
