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It's quiet in the room. My ragged breathing is the only sound in my ears as he carefully takes hold of my cardigan at the shoulders. It’s not fastened, but he moves slowly anyway, as if he’s removing a priceless garment from a queen and doesn’t want to damage it or her.

He slides the wooly material over my shoulders, down over my arms, making me shiver at both the slow contact and the cool air hitting my skin.

With my arms bare, he takes my right hand in his and brings it to his mouth, kissing it and sending shivers all the way up my arm and down my spine.

He moves his kisses across the soft part of my wrist. I can’t help but tremble as he trails even more kisses over my forearm, into the crease of my elbow, and up to my shoulder.

He repeats the same thing again on my left side, leaving all of my skin tingling in his wake.

That done, he steps back again as if appraising me, and slides his fingers under the straps of my dress on both sides.

I can’t hold back a shiver of anticipation, of nerves, of the contact of his fingers gliding over my skin as he slips the straps down to bare my shoulders. He plants a kiss on each side, soothing the place where the straps had been.

Hunter traces his fingers over the very tops of my breasts that peek over the dress’s neckline. Oh, god, he knows exactly how to drive me wild – even without really touching me in the places that are supposed to matter.

I feel only the lightest touch as he steps around and unzips the back of my dress, then simply lets go, allowing the loosened fabric to slip all the way to the ground, pooling at my feet and leaving me standing there in my underwear only.

I am so glad I picked out a nice lacey set for today, the kind of set my friends would have mocked me for buying since there were no guys on my radar at all. But I wanted to feel good for myself, and now I’m so glad I….

Oh, and his fingers are tracing over my skin and bare back as he plants kisses along the top of my shoulders and the back of my neck. His hands glide down over my collarbones while he stands behind me, tracing down over the cups of my bra onto my stomach below. I blush for a moment, insecurities returning to me as I think of my size and remember how we met, but his touch is so sure and so seductive that the thought leaves me almost immediately.

His hands and mouth worship me at the same time, making me feel that every inch of my skin is flawless and perfect.

He steps around in front of me and for the first time, distracted by that movement, I snap aware of the fact that I really am just standing here in his office in only lingerie.

It feels a little wrong now that I’m awake to it, and I can’t help but say something.

“We shouldn’t do this here,” I whisper, amazed at myself even as I do. Am I really trying to talk him out of this? Surely not?

“You’re right,” he murmurs back. He reaches out and takes one of my hands, lifting it into the air. “You’re right. And so divine, I almost didn’t even think about it. We shouldn’t do this here.”

I look down at my dress on the floor, thinking I have to get dressed again now and I shouldn’t have said anything because I’ve ruined the moment. He gently tugs at my hand, bringing my attention back to him.

“Leave it,” he says. “We don’t need it where we’re going.”

I’m mesmerized by the look on his face, the way his eyes wash over me, taking in everything as though he is a thirsty man and I am a tall glass of water. His hand tugs at mine again, and I follow, leading along behind him as he walks sideways as if he can’t take his eyes off me.

We leave the office and move up the stairs into the rest of the house, into the part I have not yet explored, stepping up and up together until we reach the top.

There are several rooms branching off from the upstairs landing, and at first I don’t know which way to turn – but his knowing smile and his leading hand take away my unsureness, pulling me into the master bedroom.

Everything seems to have been prepared in advance. The room is filled with soft lighting, the curtains closed over the windows for privacy, and a wonderful scent of vanilla and cinnamon floats through the air from some hidden air freshener.

The bed is fitted with a black silk bedspread, and bright red rose petals cover the bed and a line leading across the floor. The moment we close the door, low music begins to play – sensual orchestral strings, soft enough to be ignored but present enough to enhance the moment.
