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Pushing the cap up, I decided I wanted to be surprised so I let it drop.

After saying goodbye to John and the rest of the patrons of the pub, Preston and I headed outside, where he flagged down a cab.

Once we slipped into the cab, Preston handed the driver a note. Turning and looking at Preston, he smiled and nodded.

“Damn you, Preston. Note passing?”

Giving me a wink, Preston said, “It’s a surprise, Harmony. Now close your eyes and don’t open them or I’ll put a blindfold on you.”

My mouth parted slightly and I tried like hell not to let my imagination go wild, but it was too late. Dropping my head back, I closed my eyes and pictured Preston tying a blindfold on me. My hands slowly made their way down his strong, fit abs, shaking with anticipation at what surprise was beneath his pants.

“Good God, stop this, Harmony.”

Warm breath hit my neck and goosebumps covered my entire body. “Stop what?” Preston whispered.

“What?” I asked as I kept my head back and my eyes closed.

“You told yourself to stop. What are you wanting to stop?”

Shit! Shit! Shit! I can’t tell Preston I was telling myself to stop thinking naughty thoughts about him. “Um…I was going to press you for more information but decided to just let it go.”

I jumped when I felt Preston’s hand touch the side of my face. Tingles engulfed my entire face as he slowly ran the back of his hand down my face. “That’s probably a good idea, Harmony.”

I immediately felt the loss of his warmth when he pulled his hand away. Focus on your breathing, Harmony. Slowly breathe in and slowly breathe out. My body quickly relaxed as I felt myself slipping off into sleep. For the first time in a long while, I felt completely safe just knowing Preston was next to me.

My body was being moved and I had no desire to open my eyes. I knew Preston was carrying me and I knew the moment he knew I was awake he’d put me down.

I heard a voice I didn’t recognize talking to Preston. “Dude, did you knock her out just to get her in here?”

Preston chuckled and it moved through my entire body. Allowing myself this one time to enjoy the way Preston made me feel, I let the feeling rush through my body.

“No, asshole. She fell asleep. Is it all set up?” Snuggling my face further into his chest, I took a deep breath. Jesus, what does this guy wear as cologne? It’s driving me insane.

“You doubt me, baby cousin? I’m not the one who needs to impress a girl. And may I point out she’s wearing Yankees shit. I shouldn’t even let you put her down on the sacred ground.”

“Fuck you, Kyle.”

Smiling, I took notice of how Preston was willing to defend me even though I was wearing New York Yankees stuff. Deciding I should probably get out of Preston’s arms before I grew to love it, I lifted my head and looked into his eyes.

Oh shit. Maybe I should have kept pretending to be asleep. The way he was looking at me had my heart dropping into my stomach. I’d never had anyone look at me the way he was looking at me. My heart began racing as I lost myself in his smile. “Hey,” I whispered.

“Hey,” he whispered back. “We’re here.”

Grinning slightly, I looked around. “Where are we?”

Preston laughed as he slowly put me down and Kyle said, “Dude, she doesn’t even know where she is!”

Taking my hand, Preston led me out toward the lights. The moment my eyes adjusted, I knew where we were. My brother had dragged me to Fenway Park more times than I could count.

My eyes widened in surprise as I took it all in. “Fenway Park,” I whispered. A small blanket was set in the middle of the field…or infield, or whatever they called it. Preston took my hand and led me over to the blanket. Stopping, I looked up and spun around. “Oh my God! I’m on the field…in Fenway Park!” My stomach felt like I was on a roller coaster I was so excited.

Preston laughed and took a step back to allow me to behave like a three-year-old. Jake was going to be insanely jealous. I had to control the urge to text him and show him where I was.

Facing Preston, I smiled. “Why are you doing all of this, Preston?” My heart ached at the thought that he was doing this because he felt guilty.

Taking a few steps toward me, he took my hands in his. “Because I like to see you smile.”

Sucking in a breath, I gazed into his eyes.

“Harmony, my only wish is that you enjoyed this day as much as I did.”

Grinning, I nodded like a small child in a candy store. “This day has been amazing. But you did all of this just to make me smile? Is that the only reason?” I hoped like hell Preston was doing this because he enjoyed my company, because I sure as hell enjoyed his.
