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Pulling me in tighter against his body, Preston let out a sigh in his sleep. Yes. I could get very used to waking up every day like this.

Then a thought occurred to me. What if I’m never able to sleep again unless I’m in Preston’s arms?

Shit. That could be bad. Or good.

Slowly lifting Preston’s arm, I slipped out of bed. Looking around for my clothes, I saw a T-shirt of Preston’s and picked it up and pulled it over my head. The T-shirt fell to my mid-thighs. I had no idea why I put it on. My pants and shirt were right there on the chair. Glancing back at Preston, my stomach fluttered. Oh my, he is so handsome.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I made my way out of the bedroom and downstairs. I was starving and prayed that Preston’s aunt and uncle had left some food in the house before taking off for Ireland. I remembered the days when Jake lived alone. He’d never had food.

Opening the refrigerator, I found eggs, bell peppers, mushrooms, salsa, and an onion—perfect ingredients for an omelet. Smiling, I thought back to the morning Preston made me breakfast and I had almost the same thing.

Taking everything out, I searched for a skillet. Finding that, then the olive oil, I got to work making Preston breakfast.

While the veggies sautéed in the olive oil, I glanced around the kitchen. Uncle John’s house was adorable. I could see raising a small family in this house and being so incredibly happy.

When the clock on the mantel started dinging, I let out a small scream from the fright it gave me and quickly slammed my hands over my mouth. I sat there and counted the dings while I attempted to get my heart beating normally again.

Eight dings later and I stood there stunned. Preston and I had slept over twelve hours.

“Wow, I must have really needed the sleep.”

Making my way back over to the stove, I began beating the eggs lightly. The air around me changed and the hairs on my body stood up.

Oh my goodness. That can’t be a good thing. Closing my eyes, I prayed like hell Preston had gotten dressed.

“How did you sleep, Harmony?”

God, I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue. Glancing over my shoulder casually, I went to talk but nearly choked on my own spit.

Preston stood before me in nothing but jogging pants that barely hugged his hips. There should be a law against guys this hot making old sweatpants look so damn sexy.


Tilting his head, Preston’s eyes roamed over my body. “Could you not find your clothes this morning?”

Lord help me, he has a sexy-as-hell morning voice.

Giving him a slight smile, I repeated the only word I seemed to be able to make come from my lips. “Um—”

Pushing his hand through his hair, Preston walked into the kitchen and over to the coffee maker. His back was toward me, and the way his muscles moved when he moved was beyond hot. And his ass—damn, it looked good in those sweatpants. Rolling my eyes as I bit my lip, I pushed down the moan I wanted to let out.

Glancing back at me, my eyes snapped up to his eyes. “Want some?”

I sure as hell do. “No, thanks. I don’t drink coffee.”

Preston jerked his head back and placed his hand over his chest. “What? You don’t drink coffee? What is wrong with you, Harmony?”

Letting out a nervous chuckle, I got back to making the omelet. Take a deep breath in, blow it out slowly, Harmony. It’s not a big deal that there is a sexier-than-hell firefighter standing in the kitchen with you. Never mind that he is half-naked…and his ass looks really good in those old sweats. None of that matters. Focus. Focus. Focus.


Turning to Preston, I asked, “What?”

Laughing, he asked, “Why are you saying ‘focus’ over and over?”

“I am?”

Preston walked closer to me as I stood my ground. Just friends. That’s all Preston was. A friend.

He stopped right in front of me, and I tried to give him a smile but was afraid it would come out more as a moan. “You look awfully good in my T-shirt, Harmony.”

Shit. I’d forgotten that I was half-naked, too. Pressing my lips together, I shrugged. “I guess I just wanted to still be wrapped up in—”

Preston reached up and rolled a piece of my hair around his finger as he asked in a whispered voice, “Wrapped up in what?”

Swallowing hard, I was about to say “you” when the doorbell rang and I jumped and took a step back. My heart was beating like crazy in my chest and I held my breath. Closing his eyes, Preston turned and headed to the front door.

Letting out the breath I’d been holding, my shoulders dropped and I leaned against the counter to get my wits about me. “Holy hell, what is he doing to me?” I whispered as I heard Preston start talking to someone.
