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Chapter 16

Already Fallen


Sitting on the sofa talking to my father, my brothers and I all waited for Angie and Harmony.

“Don’t stay out too late, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. And keep an eye on your sister.”

Finn laughed. “Dad, this is Angie we are talking about. The last time we all went out to this club, Wes almost beat the living shit out of some guy for looking at Angie the wrong way. I think between the three of us, we’ll keep our eyes on her.”

My mother sat down next to my father and reached for his hand. “Now, boys, let the poor girl have fun. She’s been feeling down the last few days since her boyfriend broke up with her.”

Dad jerked his head to look at my mother. “Let her have fun? Hell, no.” Turning and pointing at each of us, he said, “You watch her like a hawk.”

Wes laughed and said, “Better not count on Preston for that, Dad.”

Looking at Wes, I pulled my head back and was about to ask why when he continued talking.

“I’m thinking his eyes are going to be glued to someone else all night.”

Looking toward the stairs, I saw Harmony and my mouth dropped open. She was dressed in a teal dress that fell to the middle of her thighs. Swallowing hard, my eyes moved across her body. She was laughing at something Angie was saying as they walked down the stairs.

Motherfucker. She is gorgeous. How am I going to keep guys away from her when she looksd like that?

The top part of the dress was covered in sparkly shit, but the way her breasts looked in the dress had my dick growing painfully hard.

“Son, you might want to at least close your mouth while you stare at her. It’s more polite.”

Looking at my father, I whispered, “W-what?”

“You’re staring at Harmony with your jaw down to the floor, son.”

Standing up, Finn slapped me on the shoulder. “Damn, dude, either you stand up and walk over to her or I’m going to.”

Jumping up, I pushed Finn out of the way and made my way over to Angie and Harmony. Stopping in front of my sister, I smiled and said, “You look beautiful, Angie.”

Beaming, she said, “Thank you, PJ.”

Turning to Harmony, my hands began to shake and that damn fluttery shit was happening in my stomach again. Taking her hands in mine, my eyes captured hers. “Harmony, you look gorgeous.”

Glancing around the room, she blushed and looked back at me. “I haven’t been dressed up since…” Shaking her head, she let out a nervous chuckle. “Thank you, Preston. Angie picked out the dress.”

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered.

My mother walked up and smiled as she pushed a curl to the side of Harmony’s face. “Oh, Harmony, you look stunning. That color just makes your eyes pop. Let me grab you a shawl, it’s chilly out.”

My mother quickly went to her room while my father lectured Angie about being safe. Walking back out, my mother wrapped a black shawl around Harmony’s shoulders.

“Um, thank you so much, Jenn.”

Winking, my mother nodded.

Angie clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “Okay, since Dad is putting a curfew on me—which I still say is so unfair since I’m eighteen, but whatever—we should probably head out.”

“I’ll drive,” Wes said as he kissed my mother on the cheek, followed by Finn. I couldn’t take my eyes off Harmony. Finn hit me in the chest and asked, “Are you guys driving separate?”

Nodding, I said, “Yeah, I think we will.”

Taking Harmony’s hand in mine, I kissed my mother on the cheek and glanced at my father. He was giving me a look that I couldn’t really read. Raising his eyebrows, he said, “Be careful, Preston.”

Smiling slightly, I nodded and said, “Yes, sir.” I knew the hidden meaning in that was to be careful with Harmony. Just how he wanted me to be careful was the question.

Walking out to my car, I opened the door and held Harmony’s hand while she got in. Jesus H. Christ. Her legs. Why had I not noticed before what amazing legs she had?

Shutting the door, I turned to see my parents standing on the porch. My father was watching me intently as I walked around the front of the car. Stopping at the door, I asked, “Is everything okay, Dad?”

Smiling, he said, “Yes, Preston. Have fun this evening, and watch your sister.”

“Will do, sir.”

Getting into the car, I started it up and followed Wes down the driveway.

Clearing her throat, Harmony looked at me. “You look so handsome, Preston.”

I had on dress slacks, a button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of dress shoes that I’d borrowed from my father since my mother said I couldn’t wear my sneakers.

“Thanks. I’m afraid you’re going to steal the show this evening though.”

Laughing, she shook her head as I looked straight ahead.
