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“Holy shit,” Autumn gasped. “So that’s what grown-ups do with all the money they don’t use on going out and buying beer?”

I stared at her for a second before I busted out laughing. Clare rolled her eyes and added, “Here I thought my two months of rent was good enough. Rory, why must you be such an overachiever.”

Rolling my eyes, I motioned for Clare to stop talking. “Hey, we should go out and celebrate me moving on with this part of my life.”

Both Clare and Autumn grinned. “Hell yes. You need to get out and party. Enjoy life a little bit and stop worrying about your hot firefighter.”

My smile faded. “I’m not so sure he’s mine anymore.”

Clare held up her finger. “He’s not yours right now, but he will be.”

I wished I had the confidence they both had. As the days had gone by and I’d heard nothing from Finn, I’d grown more and more worried that he was moving on. I’d spent the last two weeks crying myself to sleep. For all I knew, Finn was out partying it up again like he used to do before we met. The thought made my stomach ache.

“Let’s find you something sexy to wear,” Autumn said as Clare clapped her hands and followed us into my bedroom.

The music was loud. My dress was so tight I could hardly breathe. Guys wouldn’t stop staring at my breasts. And I was not feeling like myself.

And I was having a good time.

It was the first time in two weeks I was letting go of the worry and heartache—mostly. My heart still ached and I couldn’t stop thinking about Finn, but I was having fun, for the sake of my friends and my own sanity.

“Another drink?” Autumn shouted.

I stood. “My turn to buy this time.”

She gave me a thumbs-up as I grabbed the three empty beer bottles and made my way to the bar. Trying to get through the packed bar was insane. I had rubbed against so many men and women I felt like I needed a cigarette.

I sit the empty bottles on the bar and motioned to the bartender for three more. Two girls stumbled up next to me, clearly trashed out of their minds.

“God, I need to get mindlessly fucked.”

The guy on the other side of them snapped his head and smiled. Rolling my eyes, I waited for the bartender to bring me the beers.

“Too bad you couldn’t break the hot firefighter.”

That caught my attention. Leaning a little closer, I tried to hear what they were saying, but only caught every other word.

“He’s…not going…old girlfriend…pining over…cock.”

My eyes widened as I turned to face them. They were barely twenty-one, if that.

The blonde caught my stare. “I’m not into that. Sorry.”

I laughed and held up my hands. “Me either. You mentioned a firefighter?”

She nodded. “Yeah, there’s a whole group of them here. Two of them are fucking hot as hell. But they are both no-goes.”

Leaning in, I asked, “Why?”

She motioned she couldn’t hear me. “Why are they no-goes?”

With a pout, she made the letter X with her fingers. “Pining over their ex-girlfriends. Whoever they were, they were stupid bitches!”

I laughed. The bartender set the three beers down in front of me.

Turning back to the girls, I smiled and shouted, “Be safe and have fun, ladies.”

They yelled out in unison, “Girls’ night!”

With a lighter heart, I headed back to our table. Right as I got there, I stopped.

Finn. He’s here. I can feel it.

I spun around looking for him.

“Um, if you want to dance, Rory…can you put the drinks down first?” Autumn shouted.

“What?” I asked as I kept searching feverishly. My heart was racing and there was a growing tightness in my chest.

“Finn’s here.”

Clare jumped up. “What?”

“How do you know?” Autumn asked.

How did I explain to them I had a feeling? They would both think I was nuts.

I climbed onto the chair and started looking.

“What are you doing, Rory?” Clare shouted.

“He’s here! I want to see if he’s with someone.”

“Ohmygod. She’s going to get us kicked out!” Autumn yelled.

I scanned the entire club. I was feeling a bit dizzy and wished I had eaten a bit more before we went out. “She said ‘group!’ Look for a large group of guys!” I called out.

Clare climbed onto her chair. “This is insane. What if he sees you?”

Autumn reached up and tugged on our arms. “He’s not even here, you idiots! Get down!”

“Ladies, are you looking for a dance partner?”

Glancing down, I looked at the guy smiling at us. “No. We’re not.”

His smile dropped and he quickly moved on to the next woman.

Shaking her head, Clare yelled out, “I don’t see a large group of guys! Maybe they left?”

I needed to talk to Finn. If that meant tracking him down in a damn club I’d do, it and I didn’t care if I made myself look like a fool.
