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“This isn’t happening,” I mumbled on the way to Preston’s car.

“Let’s not jump to conclusions until we get there. I called Wes and Angie. They both left the club at the same time as you.”

I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the seat and prayed like I had never prayed before.

With every ounce of strength I had, I fought to keep my emotions under control. “Take a deep breath, Finn. We’re almost there.”

Dropping my head, I looked out the window. “She was crying,” I said.


“Earlier at the club when I saw her. Rory begged me to talk to her and I walked away. I was still so mad at her, Preston. She fucking ripped my heart out.”

“I’m going to shoot you straight, and now might not be the best time to do it, but I’m doing it anyway. You’re a fucking idiot, Finn.”

My head snapped to look at him. “What?”

“You’re an idiot. If you really think that neither one of you is going to fuck up during your relationship…you’re an idiot. Finn, even Harmony begged you to call her when she told you she knew Rory was upset about something. Something wasn’t right with this whole thing. I honestly believed she was forced to call it off with you by her dad. Everyone thinks that but you. You’re fucking hung up on how she broke your heart, but you never stopped to think if her heart was just as broken.”

I shook my head. “He said she wanted to break things off.”

We came to a stoplight. “Finn.”

Reluctantly, I met his stare. “Do you really believe she didn’t love you?”

My eyes filled with water. “No.”

“Then something else was wrong.”

I looked away. “She got spooked. She made it clear in the beginning she didn’t want to be with a firefighter. I pushed her into the relationship, Preston. Made her a promise we both knew I would never be able to keep.”

“Bullshit. I’m not buying it, and I know deep down you don’t either. You’re pissed because she hurt you. Well, I’m telling you right now, Finn: You need to get off it, because when we get there, we have no idea what we’re going to find. So you better decide right now if she’s worth fighting for. And I say she is. Because as far as I can see, she’s been putting up one hell of a fight for you.”

My throat felt like it was closing.

“I love her, Preston. I’ll always love her.”

He hit the gas pedal. “Don’t tell me—tell her.”

Preston pulled up to the front of the ER. I ran to the check-in desk. “Excuse me, my girlfriend was brought in by ambulance. Rory Adams.”

An older woman typed on her computer and then looked up at me. “The sixth floor.”

“Is she okay?”

She smiled softly. “I’m sorry, sir, I can’t give you any information. Go on up there and they’ll be able to help you.”

I nodded. “Thanks. Elevators?”

She pointed behind her. “Around the desk and to your right.”

Preston rushed in through the front doors. I motioned for him to follow me. “She’s on the sixth floor.”

“How is she? Did they say what was wrong?”

My hand shook as I reached out and hit the button for the sixth floor. I was barely able to get the words out. “They didn’t say.”

With each floor we passed, the feeling of dread loomed heavier over me. Please let her be okay. Please.

The doors opened and I inhaled a deep breath. The first person I saw was Clare. She stood and waited for me to make my way to her. Glancing around the waiting room, I asked, “Where is everyone?”

“They went on a search for coffee. We haven’t been able to get ahold of her parents. Colton headed over to the house.”

“How is she?”

She shrugged. “No one will tell us anything, because we’re not family.”

Every one of my muscles tensed. “What?”

“The only thing they said was she wasn’t in surgery and was being taken to the sixth floor.” A tear slipped from her eye and she quickly wiped it away. “I’m scared, Finn.”

I walked over to the nurses’ station. “Excuse me, they told me my fiancée was here on the sixth floor. Rory Adams.”

The nurse glanced at her computer. “Your name, sir?”

“Finn. Finn Ward.”

“If you’ll wait here, I’ll see if the doctor can speak with you.”

The pit of my stomach fell. I slowly turned and walked back to Preston and Clare. “Um…I told the nurse Rory was my fiancée, and she’s going to get the doctor.”

Clare covered her mouth. “Oh God.”

My heart drummed in my chest so loudly I could hardly hear Preston telling Clare everything was going to be okay.

An older gentleman rounded the corner and made his way over to us.

“Mr. Ward?” he asked while extending his hand.

“Yes. Is she okay? Was it an aneurysm?”
