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I could tell Regina was trying hard not to laugh. “I’ve watched this dog a million times. Why is tonight different? What in the hell is wrong with you?”

She stopped talking, and her eyes went wide.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Uh, nothing…I was just thinking you’re going to be late for dinner if he doesn’t stop fussing about the dog, that’s all.”

With a smile, I bent down and hugged Flash. “Be a good boy for Regina and Paul.”

Finn followed my lead, except he snuck in a kiss when he didn’t think anyone was watching.

After a short cab ride, we were being seated at one of my favorite restaurants, Legal Sea Foods. Finn ordered the Bang Bang Cauliflower, which we both devoured in minutes.

“Damn, that stuff is good,” Finn said as he licked his finger.

“So other than that it’s New Year’s Eve, what’s the occasion for dinner tonight, especially since we’d agreed we’d stay in tonight?”

His smile, and those dimples, about blew me out of the chair. Finn’s emerald eyes lit up with excitement.

“Can’t a guy take his girl out to dinner?”

“Of course he can.”

Finn reached for my hand and squeezed it. “Have you heard from your dad?”

My smile faded. “No. Mom said he asks about me all the time, but he hasn’t reached out to me.”

“He’ll come around, Éan.”

I forced a smile and agreed. “I know he will.” But deep in my heart, I was beginning to wonder if he ever would.

“I’m so full!” I said as I placed my hand over my stomach. “I’m pretty sure the baby liked the rainbow trout!”

Finn chuckled. “Good. How are you feeling? You tired? Feel like a walk?”

I took his hand in mine. “I’ve never felt better, and a walk would be amazing.”

We walked for a bit in silence as snow slowly fell from the sky.

“Perfect,” Finn softly said.

“I love winter,” I said while Finn drew me in closer to him, wrapping his arm around me, the warmth of his body somehow making it through my winter coat.

“Me, too. I always have.”

We rounded the block, and I could see the blue lights from the Christopher Columbus Park trellis. “Oh, my goodness. Look at how beautiful the flurries look against the blue lights.”

“It is beautiful,” Finn replied.

As we walked closer, I swore I heard Flash barking. I stopped and tilted my head.

“What’s wrong?” Finn asked.

Shaking my head, I chuckled. “Nothing. I thought I heard Flash.”

I dropped my head back and looked up at the lights and held out my tongue to let the snowflakes fall on it. Giggling, I said, “I can’t wait to build snowmen with the baby.”

Finn had stopped walking, I assumed so I could enjoy myself and not trip over anyone or anything.

“I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Bringing my eyes back to him, I grinned. “Neither can I, Finn. I’ve never been so happy.”

His hand lifted and he gently wiped my cheek. “Snowflake.”

Laughing, I placed my hand over his.

“Rory, I hope you know how happy you’ve made me these last few months. The idea that you’re carrying our baby…I can’t even begin to tell you how that makes me feel.”

“I feel the same,” I whispered.

“To say I’m happy doesn’t seem good enough. I feel like I’ve been walking on cloud nine since the day you first looked at me.”

My eyes filled with tears as I watched Finn drop to one knee. Covering my hands with my mouth, I attempted to control my sobs.

“F-Finn,” I choked out.

Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a blue velvet box. He snapped it open, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the beautiful cushion cut diamond, in the most gorgeous setting I’d ever seen. It sparkled as it caught the lights from the trellis. “Rory Ann Adams, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Tears poured from my eyes while I tried to find my voice. Finn slipped the vintage-looking ring onto my finger. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I smiled so hard I was sure my cheeks would stay forever in that position.

Finn stood and kissed the back of my hand. “The ring was one of my grandmother’s. My folks gave it to me a few weeks ago.”

I glanced between the beautiful ring and the man I loved. “I’ll never forget this moment for the rest of my life, Finn.”

He cupped my face within his hands. “I know, because I had Regina and Paul film it!”

He kissed me, and I laughed against his mouth as Flash started jumping up on us.

“Damn mutt!” Finn called out as Flash pushed his way between us.

“Now the moment is perfect,” I said as I gazed into Finn’s eyes.

He nodded and replied, “To new beginnings.”

Trying to keep from crying again, I repeated his words. “To new beginnings.”


I stood in the foyer and looked around.
