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My brow lifted. “So that makes all of them guilty? Besides, are we condemning our client before we have all the facts? I thought we were on his side.”

“Don’t be daft, Rory. I’m saying for your own safety, it’s best if we go together. You can watch how I interview them.”

Now my blood was boiling. “I don’t mean to sound like a bitch, Russell, but we’re going to go ahead and get this all out in the open right now. This is not my first case. I’ve worked my ass off the last year taking on the shit cases other people like yourself felt too good to take on. I’ve won every single one of them. Maybe they weren’t huge-profile cases, but I won them nonetheless. I’m damn good at what I do, and I certainly don’t need you to show me how to do my job. The senior partners thought I was ready to jump on and work the Boston Fire Fighters union, and so do I. I certainly will not sit back and let you make me feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Tossing my napkin onto the table, I grabbed my wallet and threw out some money. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll head home.”

I slid out of the booth, and Russell grabbed me by the arm. “Wait. Rory, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to come off like you didn’t know what you’re doing. It’s just, this case is very important for my career.”

“And you don’t think it is for mine as well?”

He laughed. “Rory, let’s be honest. Your mother is the boss. I think your career is set.”

Jerking my arm from his hand, I shook my head. “For someone who thinks I hold such an important role, you certainly seem to have no problem insulting me left and right.”

Russell took a step back, his expression horrified.

“Seriously…I can’t even believe you right now, Russell. I’m no different in my mother’s eyes from the next person. If you think I have it easy, then you’ve been living with your eyes closed the last year or so. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going home to read over the files I didn’t get to earlier. Have a good evening.”

Spinning on my heels, I headed toward my condo. I didn’t live that far away, and the walk in the cool fall air would do me good.

“Rory. Rory wait. I’m really sorry.”

“Good night, Russell.”

As soon as I got inside my apartment, I kicked off my heels and leaned back against the front door, not sure if I was upset or really pissed. Slowly, a smile spread over my face. If Russell thought he could do better than me tomorrow, I’d stand back and let him have it.

I pushed off the door and headed to the bathroom, where I stripped out of my clothes, stepped into the hot shower, and let the stress of the day slide off my body like the water.

Russell’s words replayed in my mind. I couldn’t believe that even he thought I had it easy. I was never going to be able to prove myself to anyone in that firm. No matter how hard I worked or how many cases I won, there would always be doubt about if I’d earned my way or not.

I took in a deep breath to clear my head. The smell of the lavender scrub calmed me as I ran my hands over my body.

Closing my eyes, I saw Finn’s smile. With a slight moan, my hand slipped between my legs. One brush across my clit had me gasping.


They way that dimple popped out when he laughed. Or the seductive way he barely lifted the corner of his mouth when he flirted with me.

My hand moved faster.

His kiss.

Those lips.

The way he tasted like pure heaven. What would it feel like to have those lips kiss every inch of my body?

My legs trembled as my orgasm rushed through my body and I whispered out his name.


Chapter 9


Married to my job

Russell and I walked into Engine 17, and I couldn’t help but notice how he pushed out his chest a tad bit more. It was obvious he was threatened by these men.

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head.


“Now, Rory, let me handle this.”

I didn’t utter a word. If Russell thought he could do better than I could, he was more than welcome to take the lead.

He walked up to a firefighter and cleared his throat. “Excuse me, is your captain available to speak with us?”

The firefighter looked Russell up and down and frowned. “Who wants to know?” he asked in a thick Boston accent.

Standing behind Russell to his right, I stood there attempting to hide my grin.

“I’m Russell McCormick, and this is Rory Adams. We’re with the Adams, Burks, and Monroe law firm.”

When the firefighter lifted his brow and shot Russell an I-don’t-give-a-damn-who-you-are look, I stepped up closer. I glanced down at his shirt, and smiled.
