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He wiggled his eyebrows, and I couldn’t help but smile.

He took my hand and led me into the garage. My head was spinning. This was way too fast. Meeting his family. Was that something I was ready for?

My whole life I’d always played everything safe. For once I wanted to be daring. I’d already played hooky…so I figured maybe I should meet Finn’s family. The guy I’d officially dated for not even a full day. The man who’d already given me an orgasm in a library and saved me from near death by pigeons. Since I was living on the edge today, I decided I might as well keep going.

“If you don’t think your family would mind, I’d love to come along.”

Finn stopped walking and faced me. “Are you kidding? My family won’t mind at all. I was hoping you’d say yes. I really didn’t want our day to end yet.”

With a smile, I replied, “Looks like we’ll be finishing up our first date with a bang.”

He leaned in and kissed me quickly on the cheeks. “Just don’t let my mother freak you out. Hang close to my sister and you’ll be safe.”

As he tugged me along, my heart dropped.


He laughed and stopped at a red sports car and opened the door for me.

I lifted my brow. “A sports car?”

He winked. “I like to drive fast.”

I slid into the car and looked around the gray leather interior. It looked brand-new.

Finn got in and started the car and quickly backed out. He handled it like he drove it all the time.

“What kind of car is this?”

“Porsche Cayman.”

“Wow. It’s nice. New?” I asked.

“It was Wes’s car. He bought it eight months ago and decided he didn’t need a car in New York, so I bought it off him. I like driving it out to where my folks live and hitting the gas.”

I chewed on my lip. “I take it you like to do dangerous things as hobbies?”

He pulled out into traffic and laughed. “I wouldn’t say ‘dangerous.’ But I do like to have fun and live life to the fullest. Not you?”

Laughing, I glanced out the window. “No. I’ve always been on the cautious side. I think I got it from my mother. She was always so worried about my dad, she never really let me do things where I might get hurt.”

Finn peeked over at me, then back at the road. “How did you ever have any fun?”

“I had fun. In a controlled-environment kind of way.”

He chuckled. “Sounds like a boring childhood, Éan.”

Pinching my brows together, I was about to ask what he’d called me when his phone rang.

Finn hit a button on his steering wheel.

“Hey, kiddo.”

“Hey, Finn, what’s up?”

It was a young female voice, and I was guessing it was Angela, Finn’s sister.

“Harmony’s in labor.”

She screamed, and Finn chuckled.

“No way! Oh. My. God! I just finished the baby blanket I was knitting for her! Okay, who’s calling the parents and who’s calling Wes?”

“If you do one thing for me, I’ll call Mom.”

“Anything! If it saves me from one of her speeches, I’ll do anything.”

Finn looked at me and winked. “I was in the middle of a date. One I really didn’t want to end, so Rory will be with me. Keep Mom at a distance, will you?”

She gasped. “A date? With one girl? Like not two, right?”

An uneasiness moved across my body. Two?

“Angie, I have you on speaker, and Rory’s sitting next to me.”

“Shit. Oh um…hi, Rory!”

I forced myself to speak, praying my voice wouldn’t crack. “Hi there.”

“I was totally kidding! Ignore me. It’s not every day Finn goes on a date. Well, I mean he goes out with women, but usually it’s more of a—”

“Angie, can you please stop talking?” Finn asked in a frustrated voice.

“Yes! I will stop right now. I’m hanging up and calling Wes.”

“Bye, sis.”

“Bye, Rory!” she called out.

“Goodbye, Angela.”

“Call me Angie!”

I chuckled. “Angie it is.”

Finn waited a few seconds before taking my hand in his. “I’m not going to lie and tell you this is normal. It’s not. I’ve never brought anyone home to meet my family before.”

Sickness quickly hit my throat. How many women had Finn been with? Clearly my father had some idea, if he’d already formed his own opinion of him. Even Russell made mention of Finn’s reputation.

Was I in over my head? Could a guy like Finn really settle down with a girl like me? One with hardly any sexual experience? He was probably used to women doing all sorts of things with him. Maybe I was a challenge for him?

My chest heaved up and down, and I was ready to ask Finn to bring me home when I jumped at the sound of a phone ringing.

“Well, if it isn’t my baby boy.”

I hid my grin while Finn groaned. “That would be Preston, Ma.”
