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My chest swelled with a feeling I wasn’t familiar with.

“Marry me right now. Because any woman who loves the Sox as much as you do is going to make an incredible wife and baby maker.”

She lifted a brow. “Baby maker? Seriously, Finn? How is it you can take me on one of the most romantic dates of my life, a wonderful canoe ride with wine and cheese, then turn around the next day and call me a ‘baby maker’?”

Flashing her the smile I’d quickly learned she liked, I answered, “It’s a gift I’ve been blessed with.”

“I swear, if you weren’t the holder of the tickets, I would have just turned and walked out of here.”

Placing my hand over my heart, I pretended to gasp. “Why, Rory Adams, are you using me for my extra Red Sox ticket?”

She didn’t even flinch. “Yes. And dinner. You also promised me dinner.”

I slowly walked up to her and placed my hands on the sides of her face. “And a kiss.”

“Ah, yes. How in the world could I forget the kiss?”

Lightly brushing my lips across hers, I ran my tongue along her bottom lip. A small moan slipped from her mouth while my gaze searched her face. Then she closed her eyes and waited patiently for me to deliver that kiss. This woman was like crack. There wasn’t a second that didn’t go by where I wasn’t thinking of her in some way. She was also the only woman I’d gone out with in a very long time, and the first woman I hadn’t slept with after the second date.

Rory was worth the wait, and something told me she would let me know when she was ready. For now, I would enjoy having her fall apart on my fingers, and my dick hardened just thinking of making her come with my mouth.

I let my intense stare roam her face. The way her cheeks blushed made me smile. Her hair was pulled up into a pony and pulled through a Red Sox baseball cap. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen. To hell with fancy underwear and bras. All this girl needed was jeans, a T-shirt, ball cap, and hardly any makeup. I was so turned on I had to force myself not to throw her over my shoulder and take her to my bed.

“Finn,” she whispered as her patience ran out.

“Rory,” I answered back before pressing my lips to hers and drawing her body up against mine. We were soon lost in each other. I walked Rory backward, and she bumped the sofa before slowly lying down on it. Flash jumped up and barked, causing us both to jump and break the kiss.

“You damn dog!” I shouted as my heart practically pounded out of my chest.

Rory giggled and turned to Flash. Giving him a huge hug and kiss, she glanced over her shoulder. “Does he need taking out before we leave?”

“No,” I mumbled, adjusting my cock in my pants and sighing. “A dog sitter is coming to stay with him, since we’ll be gone most of the day and evening.”

She stood and looked at me, a concerned look on her face. “A dog sitter? Who?”

I headed into the kitchen, where I grabbed the pitcher of water and filled Flash’s bowl. “My neighbor, Regina.”

“Oh,” was all she said.

I took a quick look at the clock. “We probably should get going. Let me text her we’re leaving.”

While I typed out my message to Regina, I asked, “How did you manage to leave work early?”

She remained silent, so I lifted my gaze, and saw her standing there chewing on her lip.

Damn if she isn’t the cutest fucking thing ever. “Well, I kind of just snuck out of the office. I’m sure Russell has texted trying to figure out where I am.”

Flash started drinking the water from his bowl. “I’m sure he has.”

She tilted her head, the left side of her mouth rising slightly. “Are you jealous of Russell, Mr. Ward?”

“No…I am not.”

Her brow raised. “No?”

“No.” I stated matter-of-factly.

The doorbell rang, and Flash started barking. “That’s Regina.”

Rory adjusted her hair and baseball cap and put on a smile. Grabbing Flash’s collar, I opened the door and let Regina in.

“Hey, Finn. Hi there, handsome Flash! Yes, look at the cute puppy. Oh, he’s so cute. Yes he is!”

Rolling my eyes, I sighed. “Regina, this is Rory. Rory…Regina.”

“Hey there. It’s nice to meet the girl who appears to have settled Finn down.”

Rory’s face blushed. Kissing her on the forehead, I whispered, “Be right back.”

I headed into my bedroom, took one last look in the mirror, grabbed the small box, and slipped it into my pocket. Inhaling a deep breath, I thought about how I wanted this afternoon and evening to go. Barring another birth, I was positive Rory wouldn’t be doing any running away this time.
