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I lifted my brows. “You think? Because right now, if he said he wanted me in the middle of the bar, I’d say yes!”

We all laughed, quietly, since Presley was still sleeping soundly. Angela looked at me and grinned. “Trust me when I say Finn wants you too, Rory. I see it written all over his face. He’s waiting for the right moment.”

I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. “Well, I sure hope he finds it soon.”

Chapter 25


Off the market

I stared at the back office door of the bar, waiting for the three of them to emerge.

“You’ve been staring at that door for a while now, bro. What’s going on?”

Not bothering to look at Wes, I responded, “Angela and Harmony took Rory in the back office, and they’ve been in there for some time now. What do you think they’re doing to her?”

“Probably some kind of sacrifice. Something to welcome her into the family, since it’s clear that thanks to her you’ve taken yourself off the market.”

My head snapped as I stared at him. “Sacrifice? What the fuck are you talking about?”

Wes tossed his head back and laughed. “I love how you picked up on that, but not the part of me saying you took yourself off the market. Have you?”

I didn’t even have to think twice about it. “Yes. Rory’s different from any other girl I’ve ever met. I don’t want to fuck things up with her.”

He lifted his brows and replied, “Wow. Finn Ward a one-woman man. Who would have thought? You truly think you’ll be happy with one woman for the rest of your life?”

“Let’s not get carried away. I’m not asking her to marry me…yet. We just started dating, for fuck’s sake. Hell, we haven’t even made love yet.”

Wes choked on the beer he had just gulped. Smiling, I hit his back and asked, “You okay there, bro?”

Once he got his coughing under control, he leaned in closer and asked, “You haven’t fucked her yet?”

I hit him on the shoulder and pushed him away. “Don’t talk about Rory like that.”

His eyes widened in shock. “Holy shit. Are you in love with this girl?”

Glancing back at the door, I thought about earlier when I had slipped and said the L word to Rory. She hadn’t even flinched. She must have taken it as slip of the tongue. Thank God. I wasn’t ready to drop that word on anyone yet.

“No, but I am falling in love with her.”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

I shrugged. “Maybe, I don’t know.”

The door opened and all three girls stepped out. Rory was still carrying Presley in her arms. My breath caught as I watched her gaze down at the baby. When she looked up, our eyes instantly met. The way she smiled had me fighting to keep my knees from giving out on me. I returned the gesture, then watched as she rocked back and forth, talking to a sleeping Presley.

Wes hit me on the back, drawing me out of my moment.

“Oh hell yeah. You love her, Finn.”

I didn’t even bother to argue with him, because I knew he was right. Still, I had questions. Could you fall in love with someone this quickly? Was I capable of falling in love and being with one woman only?

My mother walked up and took Presley from Rory’s arms. Harmony said something that made Rory laugh, and heat coursed through my body.

Yes. I was capable of falling in love—I already had. Seeing Rory holding my niece, I knew exactly what I wanted, and knew I would fight tooth and nail to get it.

Three hours later and I was beat. Rory had met everyone and they had all fallen in love with her. I hated that we had to keep our relationship a secret from her parents, and hated that it was causing Rory so much stress.

“Hey, you,” I whispered against her ear while wrapping my arms around her. “You having fun?”

She leaned her body into mine, and I felt her heat instantly warm me. “I am. But I’m exhausted.”

Turning her to me, I placed my hand on the side of her face and gazed into her eyes. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

Her teeth sunk into her lips. “Tonight?”

My heart was beating so hard in my chest I swore the whole damn bar could hear it. “Yes. Since we can’t go camping next weekend, I have an idea.”

Her face lit up, then she frowned. “I have work tomorrow.”

“I’ll make sure you’re at work on time.”

Her eyes searched my face as she thought about it. “Okay. I’ll stay with you tonight.”

I fist-pumped and pulled out my phone. “I need to call in a favor, so give me a couple minutes and we’ll leave.”

She nodded. “Can we stop by my place so I can grab stuff for work tomorrow?”
