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“We aren’t lying to anyone.”

He arched his brows. “You’re carrying a pretty damn big secret. Has she told anyone about you guys?”

“No. At least not her parents. I think one of her best friends knows.”

Zeb looked at me with a concerned look before turning away for a brief moment. “It’s going to implode on you, Finn. You’re better to just come out in the open and let the chips fall where they may.”

Colton laughed. “Or let the fists land, because when Cap finds out I can promise you…he is not going to be happy.”

Right on cue, the door to the gym opened and Captain Adams walked in. “Hey there, fellas.”

“Hey, Cap,” we each said while going back to our workouts.

When Cap glanced over to me, I attempted to not let the empty look he shot my way bother me. If he knew, he was taking it well. If he just suspected, he was trying to piece it together. If he didn’t know, then I had no idea how to read the blank stare.

I made a mental note to talk to the one man who would have the answer.

My father.

Chapter 31


Looking for answers

The air in my office turned cold, causing me to look up. I saw Russell standing in the doorway. “Did you get caught up on the meeting you missed this morning?”

I would have rolled my eyes if I thought it wouldn’t make me look like a child. “I did. Thank you.”

“So why were you late?”

Stunned by his direct question, I sat back and stared at him. “I overslept. Haven’t you ever overslept, Russell?”

He laughed and walked up to my desk and sat on the edge of it. “Oh, I have. I also know what it means when a woman walks in with that look on her face.”

My veins were pulsing with venom. “What ‘look’ is that, Russell?”

When he racked his eyes across my body, I felt exposed. “Excuse my frankness, but that just-fucked look. You had it all over your face this morning, Rory.”

Heat flushed my cheeks. “Excuse me?” I said as I stared at him in utter shock.

Holding up his hands, he laughed. “Hey, you asked so I gave you my answer. It was pretty obvious the firefighter got to you finally. I hope he was worth the heartache he’ll surely bring.”

The room started to spin, and I had to take a deep breath in to focus back on what he was saying to me. “W-what are you talking about?”

His laugh was dark and hit me like a flash of cold. “Oh, don’t try to pretend like you’re not seeing Finn Ward the firefighter. I’ve seen the way the two of you look at each other. I can see why you would hide it from your parents, though, considering his reputation and the fact that he works for your father.”

Standing, I glared at him. “You don’t have any idea of what you’re talking about, Russell. And quite honestly, it’s none of your business who I’m dating, or who I’m fucking for that matter. What I do in my private life is just that. Private.”

I could have sworn his eyes turned black. “Not when it starts affecting my cases. You snuck out early yesterday, then came in late today. I’ve alerted your mother.”

My mouth fell open as I let out a gruff laugh. “You ran to my mother and told on me?”

As I expected, Russell didn’t like the fact that I was standing up to him. “You may be the boss’s daughter, Rory, but that doesn’t excuse your jumping ship whenever you want. I happen to want to win this case, and I can’t if I have to worry about what you’re doing in your…private time.”

My fists balled up and my lower lip quivered. Not because I was upset, but because I had never been so angry in my entire life. “How dare you accuse me of slacking off on this case. I’ll be sure to remember this when you head out to play golf during the workday. I happen to be one hundred and ten percent on top of this case, and I have every intention of seeing the accusations against Robert Long dismissed.”

He laughed. “Dismissed? And how are you going to do that, Rory?”

Reaching for my purse, I pushed past him as I mumbled, “Just watch me.”

My eyes scanned the crowd as I took a sip of tea. When I saw her, I jumped up. “Regina! Over here!” I called out. Finn’s neighbor approached my table with a huge smile on her face. The guy on her arm immediately caught my eye.

Man oh man. Regina certainly had good taste in men.

I stood and gave her a quick hug and then shot my hand out to shake her boyfriend’s.

“Paul, this is Rory Adams. Finn’s girlfriend.”

His smile grew bigger. “Aw, the one we decorated Finn’s place for last night.”
