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Shit. This is not going to turn out good.

“Stop! Flash, no! Bad dog. Bad. Boy!”

The girl stopped running and dropped down, right in time for Flash to slam into her, knock her back on her ass, and cover her with sloppy kisses.

“Shit! I’m so sorry, he’s a puppy and I’m trying to train him.”

“Flash! Baby boy, hello!”

The world stopped and my heart jumped to my throat.

My eyes widened as I watched Rory hug the beast. “Oh, I missed you, boy.”

Missed him? What?

She glanced up, and her jaw damn near hit the ground.

“It’s you,” she whispered.

The way she spoke and the intense look in her eyes, I had to fight from dropping down on the ground next to Flash and fight him for licking privileges.

“Hey, Rory.”

She jumped up. “How do you know my name?”

With a wink, I replied, “I asked around.”

She lifted a brow, and her face spread into the cutest damn smile I’d ever seen. “You asked around about me?”

Flash was now lying at my feet chewing on a stick. Content for at least two minutes.

“I did. You slipped out of the meeting before I could ask you to dinner.”

Her cheeks flushed, and my pants grew a bit smaller. “Dinner?”

Laughing, I replied, “Yeah. Lawyers eat too, right?”

It was then I let my eyes roam over her body. She was wearing running shorts and a light blue T-shirt that made her eyes compete with the cloudless sky.

“We do,” she answered with a chuckle. “But not with guys who have girlfriends.”

My smiled faded.

Hold up. What?

“I don’t have a girlfriend.”

She rolled her eyes and squatted down, giving Flash the attention I wanted.

“Please. I saw you and the girl with the purple hair leaving together last night.”

Frowning, I shook my head. “Angela? When did you see me with—”

She smirked and nodded her head like she had caught me in something.

“You were at Guilt on Friday night?”

“I was.”

“Damn, I wish I’d seen you. I would have loved to have introduced you to her. She was having a rough night—our mom was pissed about the purple in her hair. It kind of ruined my whole surprise birthday party.”

Rory stared at me blankly. I’d have given anything to pull my phone out and snap a picture of her expression.

“S-sister? That was your sister?”

I nodded. She looked up in thought and then said, “Oh, that explains the kiss on the cheek and not the lips.”

I wasn’t able to help my smirk. I kind of liked seeing the glimpse of jealousy in her eyes.

“So you thought Angela was my girlfriend, huh?” I asked as I squatted down next to the dog. I let out a fake-as-hell roar of laughter, which only caused Flash to get excited and jump up at me, hitting me under my chin, causing me to bite down on my tongue and fall back onto my ass.

“Oh no! Um…are you okay?” Rory asked as she fought to hold back her laughter.

Tears filled my eyes as I slowly shook my head. I didn’t know what hurt worse, my tongue or my ass.

Rory gasped and covered her mouth. “Ohmygod! You’re…Oh God.”

She covered her mouth and made a god-awful sound in her attempts to not lose it.

Attempting to talk again, she dry-heaved and turned away from me. “It’s coming out


I wiped the back of my hand across my mouth. I’d seen plenty of blood in my time, so this didn’t faze me.

“I’ll be fine; feels like I busted my lip and bit into my tongue.”

She bent over while covering her mouth and holding on to her stomach.

“I take it you don’t like blood.”

Holding up her hand, she shook her head. She spun around, trying not to look at me. “Do you live close by? Do you need—oh God—help getting there?”

I wanted to laugh. She couldn’t even stomach looking at me, and she wanted to help me home?

Wait a minute.

She wanted to help me home. This was almost too good to be true.

“I’m feeling a bit dizzy,” I said as I finally stood up. Flash sat on the ground staring up at me. He was on to me. I could see it in his eyes.

“Okay, don’t get blood on me!” she stated while walking up to me and putting her arm around my waist.

“Give me Flash,” she said between gagging.

She took the dog’s lease. “Easy, boy, let’s head home.”

We started walking toward my condo, and I couldn’t ignore the scorching-hot sensation I felt where her body was up against mine.

“We’ll get you both home and you can take care of that…and I’ll get Flash settled.”

A small hint of a smile spread over my face. Maybe this dog thing would turn out okay after all.

Chapter 4


Oh no, Flash

After helping Finn into his condo, I quickly asked where his bathroom was before I puked on his very nice floors.

With a laugh, he pointed to a half bath. “I’m going to go wash out my mouth and see the damage this mutt caused.
