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With a whimper, Flash rested his body against mine as I cried harder. “I have to let him go, boy. I’m going to break his heart, and he’ll never understand why.”

Pressing my eyes closed, I fought to keep the endless tears in. “I-I don’t know what else to do. Oh, God, I love him so much. Daddy, why? Why are you doing this?”

I buried my face in the dog’s fur, my body shaking as I cried.

“I can’t do it. Please don’t make me do it.”

Chapter 45


Bread, surprises, and teddy bears…

I knew she was gone the moment my eyes opened. Reaching over to make sure, I felt the empty bed next to me. I slowly sat up and swung my legs over the bed. “Rory?” I called out.

Rolling my neck to get out the tightness, I stood and walked to the bathroom, figuring Rory must have taken Flash out, since I didn’t hear either one of them.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I headed into the living room. One quick look confirmed they were both gone, at the same that the smell of coffee hit me.

“Coffee, come to me,” I chanted. I entered the kitchen, and came to a stop when I saw a plateful of what looked like pumpkin bread. I smiled. “Fuck yes. She made my favorite bread. I love her.”

Cutting into the warm bread, I groaned as I shoved it all into my mouth. After finding my favorite coffee mug, I poured a cup of coffee, then sliced another piece of bread.

Shit, what time did she wake up to make this?

The front door opened and Flash came racing into the kitchen. “Good morning, monster beast. What havoc have you caused this morning?”

Rory walked up to me and kissed me on the lips. She was dressed in another pair of my sweatpants. They were so damn big on her, but looked cute as fuck. She pulled my Boston Fire Department sweatshirt over her head, revealing a bit of her stomach in the process. My dick jumped, and I was ready to take her right here in the kitchen.

With a drop-me-to-my-knees kind of smile, she tilted her head and glanced between the bread and me. “I take it you had a piece…or two.”

“You can’t expect me to walk into the kitchen and see this and not have a piece. And you made fresh coffee. Please. I was set up for failure the moment you took the bread out of the oven.”

She laughed and playfully hit me on the stomach. “Was it good? It smells good.”

“Hell yes it’s good,” I said as I popped another piece into my mouth.

“Good. The first one I made sucked. So I Googled another recipe and made that one. I tweaked it a bit to make it my own. I’m glad you liked it.”

I lifted a brow. “The ‘first one’ you made? What time did you get up?”

She shrugged it off. “I don’t know. I couldn’t really sleep. I think I’ve got too much on my mind, with the case and all.”

Wrapping my arms around her, I rested my chin on her shoulder. “Is that all it is?”


“Just making sure. Did you want to swing by your place to change before we head out for the day?”

Her smile lit up her face. “Did you make plans already?”

It was my turn to shrug. “Well, my plans to teach you all about camping this weekend got ruined, so I had to make a few changes. I think you’ll like them, though.”

Her hand laced through my hair as her gaze met mine. “As long as we’re together I don’t care what we do.”

Tapping her nose with my finger, I replied, “That’s what I want to hear. Now let me eat some more of this bread and finish my coffee. Then we’re off.”

Rory laughed and moved to cut herself a piece of the bread. “What about Flash? Is he spending the day with us?”

I looked down at the mutt. He sat there like a perfect little angel as he stared up at me. “I think it’s doggy daycare for this little bas—”

“Finn! Stop calling him curse words.”

Flash whined. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he barked.

“No one likes a tattletale, Flash.”

With another bark he jumped and ran over to Rory.

“Oh sure, hide behind the girl. Pussy.”

Rory shot me a dirty look while Flash wagged his tail.

When I looked up at Rory, I noticed her eyes looked swollen. “What’s wrong with your eyes?”

Her smile faded. “What?”

“They look puffy and red.”

She finished off her piece of bread and drank some water. “Lack of sleep, I’m sure.”

A feeling moved over me as I watched her bend down to give Flash some love. “Should we get going?” she asked, too casually.

There was something she was hiding, and I was going to figure out what in the hell it was. Taking a drink of my coffee, I nodded. “Yeah. I just need to get dressed.”
