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“You like surprising me, don’t you?”

Leaning in, I softly kissed her lips. “I like to see your face light up and your beautiful blue eyes sparkle.”

Her grin faltered a bit before she kissed me back. “I love you, Finn.”

“Love you more, Éan.”

Drawing back, I shut her door, then popped the trunk open. I couldn’t wait to put the giant-ass teddy bear down. My arm was cramping carrying it all around.

The letter sticking out of my bag caught my eye. Smiling, I picked it up.

What I love about us…

The second I’d come across the time-capsule book, I knew I needed it for Rory. I’d written out two letters from the book so far. I was going to put this one in her bag in hopes she found it tomorrow. The other one I had sent to her mother to give to Rory on a certain date.

I placed the letter back in my bag and shut the trunk. Never in a million years would I have pictured myself buying a damn Letters to My Love book.

Laughing, I rubbed the back of my neck, took in a deep breath of crisp fall air, and made my way to the driver’s side of the car.

This weekend hadn’t turned out exactly like I planned, but I had a feeling things were only going to get better.

The lights of Boston held my attention while I waited for Rory to get ready for dinner. The only thing I told her was to dress nice.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out, I frowned.

Wes: Whenever you have a free minute. I need to talk to you.

I hit his number.

“Hey, you free right now?”

“Sort of,” I replied, glancing back toward Rory’s bedroom. “Rory’s getting ready to go out to dinner. What’s up?”

“Mandy’s getting married.”

Oh shit.

Mandy and Wes had dated all through high school and college. When Wes had taken a job in New York City and asked her to marry him, Mandy told him no, that her dream was to take over her family’s restaurant in Boston. It had devastated Wes.

“What? Who is the guy? When did they start dating?”

Wes let out a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know. The last time I saw her was at the club the night we all went with Harmony. Right before Preston and she finally hooked up. Mandy and I spent the evening together at a hotel, and the next morning she was gone. I hadn’t heard from her until today, when I got the letter. She said she wanted to tell me before I found out from someone else.”

“Damn, dude, I’m really sorry.”

“I’m moving back to Boston.”

His words hit me dead-on. “You’re doing what?”

“I’m ready!” Rory said.

Spinning around, I nearly dropped the phone. “Holy shit,” I whispered.

“Hey, I’ll let you go. Give me a call tomorrow.”

I nodded and moved closer to Rory. “I…I will. Hey, Wes?”


“Don’t do anything stupid.”

I knew my brother. He was coming back to Boston for one reason only. To win Mandy back. And I wasn’t so sure that was a great idea.

With a gruff laugh, he replied, “No promises.”

The call ended and I shoved the phone into my pocket.

My eyes raked over Rory. She wore a light blue dress that showed off her amazing body. Her legs looked like they went on forever. The blue in Rory’s eyes seemed to stand out even more against the dress…especially with her hair pulled up and placed perfectly on top of her head.

“You look beautiful, Éan.”

Her cheeks turned pink. Damn, how I ached for this woman.

“Shall we head out?”

With a nod, I extended my arm for her. The moment she touched it, my body came to life. I couldn’t imagine losing her to another man. My heart hurt for Wes.

“It’s a good thing that, where we’re going, we’ll be alone. Otherwise I’d be fighting the men off you.”

She laughed as she nudged my shoulder with hers and we headed to the elevator.

When we got outside I was able to immediately hail a cab. I told her about Wes’s call, and I could see that she was moved by his pain.

The taxi pulled up to Mamma Maria and stopped.

Rory sucked in a breath and grinned from ear to ear. “Finn, I love this restaurant!”

“I know. I asked your mother what your favorite restaurant is.”

Rory launched herself into my arms. Placing her mouth next to my ear, she whispered, “Please don’t ever think I don’t love you.”

I drew back, a bit confused. “What?”

She shook her head. “Nothing. I’m starving!”

I paid the driver and stepped out of the cab, helping Rory to get out as well. The hostess smiled as we approached her. The restaurant was dimly lit, and you could barely hear conversations drifting across the room. The smells instantly made my stomach growl, which caused Rory to giggle.

“Good evening. Do you have reservations?”
