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It’s a small blade, but it glints sharply, and Mom cringes every time Emil moves near her.

He hasn’t tied us down, but the knife keeps me pinned as though ropes are wrapping around me.

It makes me think of the invisible chains I imagined wrapping around Killian in the car when he was holding himself back from kissing me.

I should’ve called the cops, not texted him.

But there’s been this voice inside of me ever since I laid eyes on him, telling me I can rely on him, telling me he’ll always be there.

“You mean something to him,” Emil says. “So you better st….”

The door crashes open behind him, exploding off the hinges as Killian rushes in.

I gasp at the force of him, his silver hair catching the light with a far sharper glint than Emil’s blade, his movements flowing with practiced violence. It’s like he was in the boxing ring, the years doing nothing to temper his ability.

Emil leaps for Mom.

I yell, jumping to my feet and sprinting across the room.

Emil turns at my sound, a hand lashing out.

He’s about to hit me, but Killian changes course at the last second.

I’ve already darted back. Unfortunately, the momentum of the dodge causes my foot to hit the edge of the rug, and I fall backward, unable to keep track of what’s going on.

It’s mayhem.

Mom screaming, Killian leaning over me, eyes narrowed as though he’s examining me for damage.

My vision wavers and the stark electric light above him turns out to be the sun’s warm glow.

He’s shirtless, and there’s seawater glistening in his hair, a child on his shoulders, a child with Dad’s kind, excited eyes, the way they got sometimes, and the smile Mom offered after we completed a puzzle together.

I hold that image as the world continues to spin, the impact of the fall making everything woozy.

“E-Emil,” I say as I struggle to sit up, all the wind sucked from my chest.

“He ran like a….”

Coward, I fill in, but then Killian suddenly stops, his eyes snapping open wide.

“Speeder!” he yells, rushing for the door.

I struggle to my feet, finding Mom on the other side of the room, her arms wrapped around herself as she looks around with a frantic look on her face. She’s convinced that phantoms will leap from the couch cushions, tearing their way out of the wall.

Gently, I wrap my arms around her, holding her as she trembles.

“I’m sorry,” she whimpers.

“It’s not your fault.”

“I’m your mother.”


Minutes pass, leaving me to study the door. Nobody has come to check what’s going on, but that’s nothing new for this building.

There are routine fights and drug deals gone wrong down the hallways.

It’s the sort of place where people generally ignore each other.

Soon, Killian is back, staring around the room as if he’s ready to hammer every inch of it with his fists.

He rushes to me, then pauses. Every inch of him emanates power and heat, his chest heaving, his arms bulging.

“He took Speeder,” Killian snarls.

“What?” I gasp.

“I tied him to a pipe out there. The bastard used him as a goddamn pawn to get away, threatening an innocent dog. He’s out there somewhere with my dog. I’ve got to go right now and start looking for him. I need to hire people to help me. I can’t waste any time. But I have to know you’re safe, Mia.”

“What should I do?” I whisper.

“I’m going to text you my address. I’ll call ahead and let my manager know you’re coming – and to let you in.”

“Your address?” Mom says, looking at me even as she speaks to him. “Mia, who is this man?”

“A tattoo artist. He’s going to design a piece for me in honor of Dad.”

Mom shudders as a sob escapes her, but she’s smiling at the same time. “You still want to honor him after everything?”

“We had some good times, Mom. I’ll explain more after.”

“You have to go there right now,” Killian snarls, gripping my shoulders hard and staring at me firmly. “I can’t abandon Speeder, but I won’t leave until you’ve promised me, Mia. You and your mom will drive directly to my apartment.”

Killian looks at Mom, surprising gentleness in his eyes. “I wish I could introduce myself properly, ma’am, but you really have to go. You’ll be safe there.”

When I see the look on Mom’s face, I tug Killian’s hand and lean up. He offers me his ear, knowing what I want, knowing there’s something I have to say that doesn’t involve Mom.

A different mother would demand to know what I’m whispering about – a woman whose pride hadn’t been beaten down by years of life.

“You don’t know what you’re asking.”

Killian touches my wrist softly. “I do. And I’m sorry. But you have to make this happen. You’re strong, Mia. I heard you before talking with Emil. You’re tough. You can do this. Please. Promise me.”
